Herz-Jesu-Kirche (Easter Castle)

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Herz-Jesu-Kirche Osternienburg

The Herz-Jesu-Kirche is the Catholic church of Osternienburg in the unified community Osternienburger Land in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld in Saxony-Anhalt . The sacred building is under monument protection and is apparently not entered in the monument register. The church belongs to the parish of St. Maria Köthen .


In the settlement between the village and Solvay works near the now demolished water tower, west of the third school in the village, directly on the road from Köthen (Anhalt) to Aken (Elbe) .

History and shape

In Anhalt-Köthen , which has been Protestant since the Reformation , Catholic communities did not emerge again until the beginning of industrialization, and they built their own churches in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Such a church can be found in Osternienburg, where in 1898 the Solvay works opened a facility for chlor-alkali electrolysis. The first Catholic services were held in 1902 in the children's play school at the Solvay Works.

This sacred building is reminiscent of the type designs by Arnold Güldenpfennig , who envisaged a hall with a transverse parish or school house. A rectory was built in 1908 with a position to the nave reminiscent of the Romanesque west cross towers in the area, as well as the actual church adjoining it to the east. This has no separate choir and no tower. But that was not always the case, because the church originally had a round tower on the northeast corner. The laying of the foundation stone took place on June 9, 1907, the consecration on July 5, 1908.

The decorative elements are more on the rectory , which has, among other things, an implied risalit with arched windows in the gable and a half-timbered bay window. The six-axis building literally hides the church behind it. It used to have a porch on the west facade in the second axis from the north, as a historical view shows. Even then, the rectory also had the entrance on the north side that was still preserved. In contrast to the neo-Romanesque hints of the rectory, the church building presents itself as neo-Gothic .

From November 1967 to May 1971 the church was rebuilt. The first service then took place on May 23, 1971, the new consecration on June 11, 1973. In 2008, in addition to the 100th anniversary of consecration, the 60th anniversary of the elevation to the parish church was celebrated. The elevation to the parish church took place on November 1, 1948, at that time 23 localities belonged to the parish. As a result of the expulsions in Eastern Europe, more than 3,000 resettlers had come here. In 1983 there were still 1210 Catholics in 19 localities in the parish. Today, the church is responsible for twelve villages in the unified communities Osterienburger Land and Southern Anhalt as well as in the city of Köthen.


Since it was a new establishment, the equipment was initially assigned to the time of construction. In the past, this also included an altar of the Sacred Heart and a portrait of the Virgin. In the choir, which has not been preserved, there were stained glass windows showing St. Barbara and St. Elisabeth . Later a baptismal font and an Easter candle were added. The interior was also renewed by May 1973.


  • Ernst Haetge / Marie-Luise Harksen: Dessau-Köthen district. First part: The city of Köthen and the district except Wörlitz (= The art monuments of the State of Anhalt ; 2.1), August Hopfer Verlag, Burg 1943.

Web links

Commons : Katholische Kirche Osternienburg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ List of monuments of the state of Saxony-Anhalt (pdf, 9.9 MB) - answer of the state government to a small question for written answer (the delegates Olaf Meister and Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert; Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) - printed matter 6/3905 from March 19, 2015 (KA 6/8670)
  2. ^ Website of the parish .
  3. a b c d 75 years of the Catholic Church and parish Easterienburg (Flyer). Herz-Jesu-Gemeinde Osternienburg, 1983, accessed on November 26, 2019 .
  4. ^ Martin Beitz: Arnold Güldenpfennig - a forgotten church builder? Sachsen-Anhalt-Journal, accessed on November 26, 2019 .
  5. a b Haetge / Harksen, p. 272.
  6. ^ A b c Barbara Gruber: About Herz-Jesu-Kirche and congregation Easterienburg. St. Maria Köthen, accessed on November 26, 2019 . With historical interior views.
  7. Jump up ↑ Easterienburg map. St. Maria Köthen, accessed on November 26, 2019 .

Coordinates: 51 ° 47 '52.6 "  N , 12 ° 0' 52.8"  E