Hideo Ikeezumi

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Hideo Ikeezumi ( Japanese 生 悦 住 英 夫 , Ikezumi Hideo ; * 1949 - † February 27, 2017 ) was a Japanese music producer and record store owner. His record label PSF was one of the first Japanese underground labels to gain an international reputation.

Live and act

Hideo Ikeezumi came from a family of artists who lived in the Itabashi district of Tokyo. As a child, he first studied literature; his interest in music arose under the impression of Akira Kobayashi , Kan Mikami and the free jazz guitarist Masayuki Takayanagi . Instead of studying, he worked for the Gobangai record chain before opening his own record store in the late 1970s, which was located in the Setagaya , Meidaimae district of Tokyo . The business called Modern Music included the range of records from the fields of free jazz, improvisation, psychedelic rock , contemporary music , noise , acid folk , as well as traditional Japanese music and comedy. In 1984 the store became the underground record label PSF Records; the first releases were recordings by High Rise ( Psychedelic Speed ​​Freaks ) and Fushitsusha. In 1991 there was an irregular music magazine called G-Modern . Published on the PSF label a. a. Recordings by White Heaven , Ghost, Shizuka, Masayoshi Urabe , Masayuki Takayanagi, Kaoru Abe , Motoharu Yoshizawa , as well as re-releases by Keiji Haino , Kazuki Tomokawa , Kousokuya, Harry Bertoia , Charles Gayle , Borbetomagus and AMM . In 2014 Ikkezumi had to close the store, with the release of Kawashima Makoto's album Homo Sacer in 2015, the label's activities ended.

Ikeezumi died in 2017 of complications from stomach cancer .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Hideo Ikeezumi 1949–2017 . Obituary in The Wire , February 28, 2017, accessed March 2, 2017.