Hilde Léon

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Hilde Léon (* 1953 in Düsseldorf ) is a German architect and university lecturer .

From 1973 Léon studied architecture at the Technical University of Berlin . After her diploma examination in 1978, she worked as a DAAD scholarship holder at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV) until 1980 .

In 1983 she founded an architectural office with Konrad Wohlhage , which she has been running since 1994 together with Siegfried Wernik as the Léon Wohlhage, Wernik office. The office has been operating under the name léonwohlhage since 2015 .

From 1990 to 1995 Léon was a research assistant at the chair for urban planning and architecture at the Berlin University of the Arts .

Since 2000 she has been a professor at the Institute for Design and Building Science at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University in Hanover .

Léon was elected as a new member of the architecture section at the spring general meeting of the Berlin Academy of the Arts on May 25, 2013.

Buildings by Léon Wohlhage Wernik

Web links

Commons : Hilde Léon  - collection of images, videos and audio files