Historical commission of the ARD

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The ARD Historical Commission is a special commission of the ARD that aims to support research on broadcasting history. It deals with the history of broadcasting in Germany , especially public service broadcasting since the end of the Second World War .


The commission has twelve members. There is one representative each from the nine regional broadcasting corporations of the ARD as well as the Deutschlandradios , Deutsche Welle and the German Broadcasting Archive . In addition, a ZDF representative takes part in the deliberations as a permanent guest.

The member of the respective managing ARD broadcaster is in charge of the commission. The commission also has a chairman - since 2010 this has been the former director of Radio Bremen , Heinz Glässgen .


The Historical Commission was established in 1954. In 1972 it was temporarily dissolved as part of a structural reform of the ARD, but convened again in 1986. Since 1994, the commission has organized media history conferences and eyewitness interviews at irregular intervals.

The chairman of the historical commission of the ARD, Heinz Glässgen


Publications (selection)

  • Historical commission of the ARD (ed.): Die Ideologiepolizei. The radio-related activities of the Ministry for State Security of the former GDR in the GDR as well as in the Federal Republic of Germany , Stiftung Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, Frankfurt am Main 2008
  • Hans Bausch (Hrsg.): Rundfunk in Deutschland , 5 volumes, dtv, Munich 1980
  • Dietrich Schwarzkopf (Ed.): Broadcasting Policy in Germany: Competition and the Public , 2 volumes, dtv, Munich 1999


  • Andreas Dan: Excursus: The ARD Historical Commission in: Markus Behmer / Birgit Bernard / Bettina Hasselbring (eds.): The memory of broadcasting. The archives of the public broadcasters and their significance for research , pp. 85 ff., Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3-531-18319-0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Organization of the Historical Commission
  2. ^ Chronicle of the ARD, July 10, 1986
  3. Events of the Historical Commission in recent times