Wuppertal University Social Welfare Service

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The cafeteria building on the main campus of the Bergische Universität

The Hochschule-Sozialwerk Wuppertal ( HSW for short ; previously also Studentenwerk Wuppertal ) is the student union responsible for the three universities in Wuppertal . It looks after more than 27,000 university and school members, including over 24,000 most of them at the Bergische Universität . It has existed since the Bergische Universität was founded in 1972 and employs 150 people.

The main tasks of the social welfare organization are to provide dormitories for foreign students, to ensure the supply of the canteens and cafeterias, to offer the students study financing options and to support international students.


The HSW currently looks after members of three Wuppertal universities and a school center:



One of the tasks of the HSW is to ensure that students and university members are fed. Across the university, it looks after nine canteens and cafeterias, eight of which are located on the three campuses of the Bergische Universität. The largest customer is the cafeteria on the main campus in Grifflenberg , where around 500,000 meals are served annually and 960 places are available. There are other canteens at the Haspel and Freudenberg campuses as well as at the University of Music. There is also a cafeteria and the “Kneipe” restaurant in the cafeteria building on Grifflenberg, the “Sport + Design” cafeteria and the “Kaffeebar insgrün”, the third coffee bar of its kind in Germany, and the cafeteria at the university library .

In addition, the HSW offers catering for events with up to 2000 participants and also has the Wupperstübchen and Bergisches Zimmer rooms in the cafeteria building ready. Since 2011, the school center south , with 2500 students the largest school center in the city, has been supplied with food. Since 2013, the hygiene of the canteens and cafeterias at HSW has been in line with the highest European level of consumer protection and has been approved by the EU.


Part of the dormitory complex on Max-Horkheimer-Straße

In the immediate vicinity of the Grifflenberg campus, there are 16 dormitories with almost 1,100 places available for university students. There are four dormitories on Max-Horkheimer-Straße , five on Albert-Einstein-Straße next to the university hall , four in Ostersiepen , two in southern Max-Horkheimer-Straße and another on Cronenberger Straße . Most residences offer single, twin or triple apartments. The rental costs range from € 190 to € 230, depending on the dormitory and apartment.

In addition to the dormitories, the HSW offers mediation between private, external landlords and students. Above all in the vicinity of the university, but also in Elberfeld's city center, in the Luisenviertel to the west of it and in Cronenberg, numerous apartments of this type are offered. In addition, the living for assistance concept offers the option of moving in as a subtenant with private tenants and contributing to work and rental costs, similar to a shared apartment . Here, too, the HSW mediates to private tenants.


After the individual renovations, the dormitories at the Bergische University have already received several awards, some of them internationally renowned:

Study funding

The HSW offers a total of seven options for financing your studies : BAföG , education loans, graduation loans, Daka loans , KfW student loans , social funds and scholarships. The funding volume is around 15 million euros. In the canteen building on level 03, the HSW operates a local BAföG office with five offices.


The HSW also offers advice and support for foreign students. In the area of ​​travel preparation, foreign students are informed about the local range of courses, the admission criteria, the entry requirements, life in Wuppertal and the city. After entering the country, the support will be continued through the start of studies, the move to Germany, the offer of German courses as well as the leisure and work during the studies.


The management of the HSW consists of the two bodies of the managing director and the administrative board. Fritz Berger has been the managing director since 1987, and since the beginning of 2012 he has also been chairman of the Federal Committee on Student Financing of the German Student Union and, since the end of 2013, chairman of the board of directors of the NRW student union's loan office.

The board of directors consists of nine people; The chairman is Gerd Scholz, the rectorate of the university is represented by Roland Kischkel . There is also a university member, two employees of the HSW and four student representatives.

The administration of the HSW is located in office 10 on level 05 in the cafeteria building on the Grifflenberg campus.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cafeteria moved up to the highest hygiene league: University social welfare organization receives EU approval ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. in the press archive of the Bergische Universität, accessed on March 16, 2014  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.presse.uni-wuppertal.de
  2. German Timber Construction Prize 2013: Student dormitories of the Wuppertal University Social Welfare Service awarded again ( Memento of the original from July 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. in the HSW news archive, accessed on March 4, 2014  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / hochschul-sozialwerk-wuppertal.de
  3. International website of the HSW
  4. Members of the bodies of the Wuppertal University Social Welfare Service from October 13, 2015 (PDF)

Coordinates: 51 ° 14 ′ 46.9 ″  N , 7 ° 8 ′ 49.3 ″  E