Homeland (TV series) / Season 3

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Season 3 of Homeland
Homeland Logo.svg
Logo of the series
Episodes 12
Country of production United StatesUnited States United States
First broadcast 29 Sep 2013 - Dec 15, 2013 on Showtime
first broadcast
9 Mar 2014 - June 1, 2014 on Sat.1
◀   Season 2 Season 4   ▶
Episode list

The third season of the American television series Homeland was first broadcast on television in 2013 on the US broadcaster Showtime . The German broadcaster Sat.1 took over the German-language first broadcast in 2014.


The first broadcast of the third season was from September 29 to December 15, 2013 on the US cable channel Showtime . The German-language premiere broadcast of the German Free TV transmitters Sat.1 March 9 to June 1, 2014.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script
25th 1 Six or none Tin Man Is Down 29 Sep 2013 9 Mar 2014 Lesli Linka Glatter Alex Gansa , Barbara Hall
Two months after the Langley attack, the entire CIA is on trial before the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence , chaired by Senator Lockhart. Carrie is asked to justify the 14-hour absence (the time in which she helped Brody escape) after the explosion, but she exercises her right to remain silent. She has stopped her lithium therapy since the attack and is already showing signs of mania again.

Dana has attempted suicide after the attack and her father's prejudice while the Brody family are in financial straits. Since Brody is considered a traitor , the United States Marine Corps has suspended pension payments.

Saul is now acting director at the CIA. Although his wife has returned to him from India, the marriage continues to be bad. He's also under great pressure to succeed in his job, and he decides to have six high-ranking terrorists who are linked to the attack on Langley killed at the same time. One of the operations almost goes wrong when Quinn sees a child in the car of the target person ("Tin Man") and decides not to detonate the prepared bomb. Later, however, he penetrates the target person's house, kills them and accidentally shoots the child when leaving the house. The five other operations run smoothly.

The next day, Saul is summoned to the committee, where the targeted killings by the CIA are viewed as a diversionary maneuver. In addition, it is now known through the newspaper that a CIA agent had a relationship with Brody. Saul truthfully states that the person in question had bipolar disorder and kept the relationship a secret from the CIA, which upsets Carrie.

26th 2 The trail of money Uh ... Oh ... Ah ... Oct 6, 2013 16. Mar. 2014 Lesli Linka Glatter Chip Johannessen
Still upset that Saul apparently dropped her, Carrie offers her story to the press. Saul's advisor Dar Adal tries to keep CIA secrets from leaking out and sees that Carrie is taken to a mental health facility and has her medicine forcibly administered. Peter Quinn is torn: on the one hand he tries to help Carrie, but on the other hand he has to remain loyal to Saul and the CIA.

A new analyst (Fara Sherazi) joins the team to clarify the cash flows used to finance the Langley attack. She soon reveals that a banker has made illegal transactions in the direction of Iran, violating cease and desist conditions. The banker is summoned but is not impressed by the legal threats. Quinn confronts the banker as he leaves a pub in the evening and reminds him of the fate of his colleague in Caracas, which gives the banker food for thought.

Dana Brody tries against her mother Jessica's wishes to keep the relationship with Leo that began in the psychiatric facility. To do this, she sneaks into the psychiatric ward and sleeps there with Leo.

27 3 Caracas terminus Tower of David Oct 13, 2013 23 Mar 2014 Clark Johnson Henry Bromell, William Bromell
Brody, who is held responsible for the attack on the CIA headquarters, is found shot in Venezuela and taken in and cared for by a powerful criminal organization. He is brought to the skyscraper shell Torre de David in Caracas and operated there. He is regularly injected with heroin to combat the pain , which he increasingly rejects and finally refuses completely. Later, when Brody regains his strength and is about to leave the house, he discovers that he has become a prisoner of the still nameless organization. His "hosts" present him the man who robbed Brody during his convalescence and throw him into a shaft in front of Brody's eyes. They explain to the completely angry Brody, on whom the US authorities have put a $ 10 million bounty, that he must stay with them and that anyone who recognizes him is a great danger and must therefore die. With the help of his "nurse", whom he has taught a little English in the meantime, Brody tries to escape. He goes to a nearby mosque and asks the Imam to be admitted. However, this recognizes the "wanted terrorist" and betrays Brody to the authorities. Just as the police are about to take Brody away, an organization command appears, shoots everyone except Brody and brings him back to the tower.

Carrie is meanwhile still in a closed facility and tries by all means to establish contact with Saul, which turns out to be difficult, since Carrie is not yet allowed to receive visitors. One day, however, the doctor in charge ensures that Carrie is allowed to meet a man who introduces himself as Franklin and offers his legal assistance. Carrie senses a recruitment attempt by another secret service, breaks off the conversation, voluntarily goes back to the facility and even asks for a medicine gift out of turn.

By the end of the episode, Carrie and Brody seem to have come to terms with their fate. While Carrie adjusts for a long time at the facility, Brody voluntarily takes the offered heroin injection.

28 4th The risk Game On Oct 20, 2013 30th Mar 2014 David Nutter James Yoshimura, Alex Gansa
After a judicial hearing, which initially went well, Carrie's detention is surprisingly extended. The judge has been informed that the Justice Department has identified Carrie as a national security threat. One day later, on the orders of a second judge, Carrie is suddenly released. In her apartment she meets attorney Franklin, who explains to her that, at the request of his law firm, she is free and that he can protect her. To do this, Carrie would have to meet with one of the firm's partners. Carrie pretends to accept it, but tries to escape. With growing desperation, she then finds out that her car has been confiscated and all accounts have been frozen. After spending a night at a former one-night stand, Carrie meets the lawyer again. He demands that Carrie keep her end of the bargain and takes her to a country house where her partner Bennett is waiting for her. He actually tries to get her to reveal CIA information to his client and threatens to leave her to the CIA otherwise. With some qualifications, Carrie finally agrees.

Meanwhile, Dana Brody helps her friend Leo escape from psychiatric hospital. First they drive together to the grave of Leo's younger brother, who took his own life. This is also the reason for Leo's mental health problems. The two then drive to the barracks where Nicholas Brody was stationed before moving to Iraq. Dana admits to Leo that she thinks that the farewell to her father in 2003 is his last honest word. Meanwhile, Jessica and Mike meet with Leo's parents and the police to track down the two fugitives. There are mutual accusations. Mike later finds out that Leo may have made a suicide pact with his brother and therefore on the one hand complicit in his death, on the other hand could be suicidal himself.

Saul and Fara have since determined that one of the leaders behind the Langley attack, Iranian intelligence officer Javadi, embezzled millions of dollars from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard . Instead of denouncing him, Saul wants to use this knowledge to get hold of the terrorist.

In the evening Carrie visits Saul in his private house and reports on her experiences of the day. It turns out that Carrie was only pretended to be dropped by Saul and the CIA. It should serve as a decoy for the terrorists and infiltrate them on behalf of Saul. Delighted to learn that Carrie is on the verge of achieving this goal, he offers tea to the exhausted Carrie.

29 5 The yoga game The Yoga Play Oct 27, 2013 Apr 6, 2014 Clark Johnson Patrick Harbinson
Jessica approaches Carrie and asks her to help find Dana and Leo. Carrie almost risks her disguise, but lets play her relationship with the FBI, which eventually finds the two runaways. In the meantime, Dana has learned of the suicide pact between Leo and his brother and turns away from Leo because she cannot stand any more lies in her life.

Shortly afterwards, Carrie is attacked in her apartment. They are agents of the Iranian secret service who force Carrie to accompany them to Javadi. Quinn cannot intervene because on Saul's instructions he has moved to his observation post too far from Carrie's apartment and only noticed the attack when it is too late and Carrie has disappeared.

30th 6th Change of power Still positive Nov 3, 2013 Apr 13, 2014 Lesli Linka Glatter Alexander Cary, Barbara Hall
Carrie is brought to a safe house of the Iranian secret service near Washington and questioned there by Javadi using a polygraph . Since he quickly realizes that Carrie is lying, she ensures that both can talk alone. Then she tells Javadi that she continues to work for the CIA and that she knows about his embezzlement. She calls on him to meet with the CIA and threatens to otherwise expose his financial embezzlement. In order to protect the appearance of Javadi's agents, Carrie suggests providing alleged information on the commando actions against the six Langley masterminds at a second meeting later that day.

Carrie takes a pregnancy test that comes back positive.

Javadi does not appear at the agreed meeting, instead drives to his daughter-in-law's house, shoots her and brutally murders his ex-wife with a broken wine bottle. Quinn and Carrie arrive at the house seconds later, unable to prevent the bloodbath. They take Javadi into custody and bring him to Saul.

Saul informs Fara about his shared past with Javadi: During the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Saul asked Javadi to bring four of his informants out of Iran. However, the latter handed them over to the new regime in order to get themselves a secret service post. As revenge, Saul later helped Javadi's wife and daughter escape to the United States.

Dana has her last name changed to "Lazaro", her mother's maiden name , so that she is no longer recognized as Brody's daughter, which Jessica understands. When Dana wants to move out soon afterwards, Jessica tries to dissuade her, but realizes that she has no chance and Dana wants to sever all ties with her father.

31 7th The curse of old men Gerontion Nov 10, 2013 Apr. 27, 2014 Carl Franklin Chip Johannessen
Saul reveals to the surprised Javadi that he does not intend to take him to court, but wants to send him back to Iran as a double agent. Otherwise he threatens to reveal the embezzlement to the Iranian authorities. Javadi would likely be sentenced to death and hanged in this case. Javadi finally agrees. When asked by Saul, he claims not to know who exactly placed the bomb in Langley, but it was not Brody. Quinn and Carrie try to put an end to the police investigation into the murder of Javadi's ex-wife and daughter-in-law. They finally succeed when Quinn, who enjoys immunity, claims to be the killer. Quinn then confides in Carrie that he wants to leave the CIA, but also assures her of his help.

After Javadi and Carrie leave for the airport, Saul returns to the CIA headquarters and meets Senator Lockhart there. He demands the immediate arrest of Javadis when he learns that Javadi is in the country. Saul locks the Senator in a conference room until he's certain Javadi's plane has left US airspace. Before boarding the plane, Javadi advises Carrie that the real Langley assassin is still at large in the United States. Bennett knows his identity and whereabouts.

In his private life, Saul tries to finally establish a new relationship with his wife Mira. This turns out to be difficult, however, as she continues the relationship she began in Mumbai with another man, Alain Bernard, in Washington as well.

32 8th Phase two A red wheelbarrow Nov 17, 2013 May 4, 2014 Since man Alex Gansa, James Yoshimura
The CIA plans to use the information Carrie has received from Javadi to track down the real Langley assassin. Adal meets with Bennett and pretends to warn him about an investigation by the CIA. Bennett then instructs his partner Franklin to bring the Langley assassin out of the country. The CIA tapping the phone call follows Franklin to the assassin's whereabouts. Carrie sees Franklin screw a silencer onto his pistol, so Carrie is certain that he wants to kill the assassin instead of taking him out of the country. As a result, however, he could no longer testify in Brody's favor and testify to his innocence in the Langley assassination. In order to prevent Franklin, she climbs out of the surveillance vehicle and thus risks her cover and with it the entire Javadi operation. So Quinn kills her with a shot in the upper arm. Franklin shoots the assassin and then pours acid over the corpse lying in the bathtub.

Mira separates from her lover Bernard. It turns out that this is a spy who is supposed to be spying on Saul. Before leaving Saul's house, he hid a bugging device in a computer mouse .

Saul travels to Caracas with $ 10 million to trigger Brody. He is taken to his cell, where he finds Brody lying apathetically on the floor and surrounded by used syringes.

33 9 Now or never One last thing Nov 24, 2013 May 11, 2014 Jeffrey Reiner Barbara Hall
Brody is taken to a US Special Forces training center in Virginia. After an accelerated withdrawal , he is trained and prepared for his next assignment. Saul also plans to send him to Iran, where he, disguised as a political refugee and a supposedly successful Langley assassin, is supposed to take out the chief of the security authorities, Danesh Akbari. Saul believes Javadi would be promoted to his post, which would make him one of the most important figures in the Iranian government.

Carrie is quickly recovering from her gunshot wound and will soon be part of the operation again. At the training center, she meets Brody again for the first time. However, she continues to keep her pregnancy a secret.

Virgil and Max examine Saul's house and find the bug. You can trace the signal back to Mira's ex-lover and, through shadowing , find out that he is reporting to Senator Lockhart. This gives Saul leverage against the senator, who as director-designate is about to take over the CIA, and can extort time for his operation.

Shortly before leaving for Iran, Carrie leads Brody to a motel where Dana works as a maid. When Brody speaks to his daughter, she rejects him.

34 10 The passenger Goodnight Dec. 1, 2013 May 18, 2014 Keith Gordon Alexander Cary, Charlotte Stoudt
Attempts to bring Brody to Iran appear to have failed when the infiltration team encounters Iraqi units. In the course of the skirmish, one of the men is wounded and, contrary to the express instructions from Langley, Brody sets out with only one man to cross the border. Both are arrested by an Iranian commando. Majid shoots Javadi Brody's companion in a prison cell in Iran and then takes Brody to Tehran. Meanwhile, Langley tries to prevent too much information from reaching the White House.
35 11 Our man in Tehran Big Man in Tehran Dec 8, 2013 May 25, 2014 Daniel Minahan Chip Johannessen, Patrick Harbinson
After a few days of interrogation, Brody seems to have convinced the Iranians that he came to Iran as an asylum seeker. This “triumph” is now to be exploited for propaganda purposes and a meeting with the head of the security authority is planned. Iranian Mossad agents procure a poison injection that Brody is supposed to give the security chief Akbari, while an explosive device attached to a motorcycle is supposed to distract the guards and help Brody escape. At the planned meeting point, however, the head of security only appears for a few moments and leaves. Instead, Brody meets Abu Nazir's widow. On the drive back from the meeting, Brody secretly destroys the lethal injection. He is now celebrated as a hero on Iranian television; However, the CIA is planning his assassination by the two Mossad agents because they fear for Brody's loyalty again.

Carrie can stop the assassination attempt at the last second, but she can't persuade Brody to leave the country. Instead, Brody goes to Akbari's office on the pretext of exposing Majid Javadi's duplicity. Shortly afterwards, he knocks Akbari down with a glass ashtray and suffocates him with a sofa cushion, with which he fulfills his original mission.

36 12 The star The Star Dec 15, 2013 June 1, 2014 Lesli Linka Glatter Alex Gansa, Meredith Stiehm
In the final hours of his directorate, Saul prepares the exfiltration of Brody from Iran. Brody meets with Carrie and the two drive to a lonely house to wait for the special team to arrive. Meanwhile, Majid Javadi is tasked with finding Akbari's killer. He tells Langley that his promotion is in jeopardy if Brody leaves the country. The new director Lockhart therefore has the extraction team withdraw and Brody arrested by the Iranians. Brody is sentenced to death by hanging and executed in public. He had previously told Carrie in a phone call that he had no regrets and that he was looking forward to his death with his head held high. His request that Carrie stay away from the execution, however, does not comply.

Four months later there is a ceremony in Langley to honor fallen CIA employees. Carrie asks Senator Lockhart that Brody be honored too. Lockhart refuses, but offers Carrie the position of ward manager in Istanbul , which she accepts despite her advanced pregnancy. The night after the ceremony, Carrie secretly paints a star for Brody on the wall of honor.

Saul has meanwhile settled in his retirement home on the Moroccan Atlantic coast and reads in the newspaper about progress in the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program . Mira celebrates this as Saul's merit.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Homeland: Season 3 . In: Zap2it.com . Archived from the original on December 25, 2015. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 27, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / tvschedule.zap2it.com
  2. Alexander Krei: Sat.1 does not leave "Homeland" to kabel eins . In: DWDL.de . February 5, 2014. Retrieved February 5, 2014.