Horand Schacht

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Horand Horsa Schacht , pseudonym Niß Volker (born February 28, 1908 in Altona , † February 16, 1972 in Erlangen ) was a German history teacher and university professor at the Saarbrücken University for Teacher Training .

Schacht's father was a vocational school director in Erfurt , where Horand also went to the humanistic grammar school. From 1926 he studied history and geography at the University of Halle an der Saale, where he received his doctorate in 1929. phil. PhD. He did his legal clerkship and a. to the Francke Foundations . As early as 1934 he was appointed lecturer or professor at the University for Teacher Training in Dortmund , and in 1938 he moved to Saarbrücken , where he was responsible for history, border struggle and national political education . During the Second World War he was drafted and promoted to lieutenant in 1940. From the end of 1940 he worked in the Reichsleitung of the NSDAP in Munich as head of the training department and editor of several NS-journals. For a short time in 1943 he was also cultural advisor in Copenhagen to the Reich Plenipotentiary of Denmark Werner Best .

At the age of 21 Schacht joined the Kampfbund for German Culture , in 1930 the NSDAP (left in 1931 and re-entry in 1933), the SA , in the Volksbund for Germanness Abroad , he headed the Halle local group. For a short time he headed the Border and Abroad German Institute in Halle . He was Gau clerk for history in the NS teacher association and Gaudozentenbund leader of the NS lecturer association in the Gau Westfalen-Süd .

After three years in US captivity, he became a teacher again in 1951. In Schleswig he became deputy as a senior teacher headmaster in Erlangen Study Director .


  • The Macedonian question at the turn of the century on the Mürzsteg program , 1929 (= Hall dissertation 1929), Niemeyer 1930
  • Burning German Population Issues, Rather, Munich 1932
  • You have to be German! , Crüwell, Dortmund 1935
  • Situation and tasks of the German national struggle , Osterwieck 1937
  • People and history. Zugl. a contribution z. nat.-soc. Education , Dortmund: Crüwell; Munich: Dt. Volksverl. 1938
  • Judaism in the "Bolshevik Vorfeld" , Crüwell, Dortmund 1938
  • The incorrigible Jew Kohn: a story for young and old , with drawings by Rainer Fluhme ; Ed .: Reichsorganisationsleiter / Hauptschulungsamt


  • Hans-Christian Harten, Uwe Neirich, Matthias Schwerendt: Racial hygiene as an educational ideology of the Third Reich. Bio-bibliographical manual , Akademie Verlag, Education and Science Edition Volume 10, Berlin 2006, p. 211 f. ISBN 978-3-05-004094-3
  • Ernst Klee : The cultural lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 .

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