Horst Domdey

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Horst Domdey (born October 29, 1951 in Sulzbach-Rosenberg ) is a German biochemist and company founder .


Domdey studied in teacher training chemistry and biology in Erlangen and received his doctorate in 1979 in chemistry at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich. The topic of his dissertation was the nucleotide sequence and secondary structure of the viroid of the potato spindle tuber (PSTV) . In 1989 he received his habilitation in biochemistry at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

In 1994 Domdey was one of the co-founders of the biotechnology company Medigene AG . Together with the biochemist Sabine Werner , he helped in 1997 with that in September 2004 bankruptcy previous company AG Switch Biotech to start. In 1998 Domdey became Managing Director of BioM , a consultancy specializing in biotechnology in Planegg . From 1998 to March 2008 he was also the scientific director of the Innovation and Start- up Center for Biotechnology (IZB) in Martinsried . Since 2010 Domdey has been the spokesman for the Munich top cluster “m4 - personalized medicine and targeted therapies”.

Awards and honors

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Horst Domdey: Nucleotide sequence and secondary structure of the viroid of the spindle tuber addiction of the potato (potato spindle tuber viroid, PSTV) . Munich 1979, DNB  801284120 (dissertation, University of Munich).