Hubert Haider (painter)

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Hubert Haider (born February 11, 1879 in Munich ; † August 16, 1971 in Altötting ) was a German landscape painter who had a "very precise painting style with an almost naive view of the image" .

Biography and artistic work

Hubert Haider was the son of the Munich painter Karl Haider and his first wife Katharina, née Brugger († 1882), a niece of the sculptor Friedrich Brugger , and grandson of the hunting draftsman Max Haider . His half-brother, Ernst Haider , son of his father's second marriage, was also a painter. For the school year 1891/92 he moved from the Dillingen grammar school to the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich , but left at the end of the school year. No information is available about his further education; allegedly he made his living as a gardener and hunting assistant. He was based in Aicherloh near Erding from 1894 to 1902 and in Altötting from 1914; in the meantime he also stayed in Schliersee and Munich.

Presumably he received his first artistic instruction from his father, but was otherwise largely self-taught. An artistic relationship existed with the landscape painter Edmund Steppes, who was only a few years older, and through him to his son-in-law Karl Alexander Flügel (1890-1967). He was a member of the Munich Artists' Cooperative (MKG) and the Reich Association of Visual Artists (RvbK).

As a landscape painter, Hubert Haider mainly chose motifs from the Upper Bavarian Alpine foothills and the mountain regions. In 1925, with interruptions until 1939, he exhibited his work in the annual Munich exhibitions.

Works (selection)

  • The Wilder Kaiser near Kufstein , oil on cardboard, 30 × 35 cm; signed H. Haider , verso label of the Galerie Heinemann, Munich (art trade) #

Munich, Bavarian State Painting Collections:

  • Peissenberg , oil on cardboard, 56 × 49 cm (BStGS, Inv.No. 10131)
  • Salzachtal , oil on canvas, 76 × 106 cm (BStGS, Inv.No. 13033)
  • Breitenstein, autumn landscape , oil on canvas, 78 × 94 cm (BStGS, inv. No. 10039).

Munich, Municipal Gallery in the Lenbachhaus:

  • Hohenpeissenberg
  • Jägerkamp near Schliersee
  • spring
  • Mountain forest
  • The Wendelstein
  • Landscape image


  • Dressler's art manual 1930.
  • Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century . Volume 2. EA Seemann, Leipzig 1955.
  • Bruckmann's Lexicon of Munich Painters. Munich painter in the 19th and 20th centuries Century, Volume 5, Munich 1993, p. 338 (Fig.).
  • Andreas Zoller: The landscape painter Edmund Steppes (1873–1968) and his vision of a “German painting”. Dissertation University of Fine Arts, Braunschweig 1999.
  • General artist lexicon (AKL). The visual artists of all times and peoples. Lim. v. Meissner, Günter. Vol. 68, de Gruyter, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-598-23035-6 , see: Haider, Karl.
  • Siegfried Weiß : Art career aspiration. Painter, graphic artist, sculptor. Former students of the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich from 1849 to 1918 . Allitera Verlag, Munich 2012. ISBN 978-3-86906-475-8 , pp. 248-251 (Fig.).

Individual evidence

  1. Bruckmanns Lexikon 1993, p. 338
  2. ^ Annual report on the K. Maximilians-Gymnasium in Munich for the school year 1891/92