Hubert Heinelt

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Hubert Heinelt (born August 10, 1952 in Wunstorf ) is a political scientist .


Hubert Heinelt completed his studies in political science and history as well as sociology in 1977 with the first state examination for higher education and the master’s examination in political and historical science at the University of Hanover . There he was in 1980 with a thesis on labor movement and social policy doctorate and a decade later with a thesis on early retirement as a political process habilitation . From 1983 to 1997 he was a research assistant at the University of Hanover and from 1997 to 2018 he was professor for state activity (public policy), administrative science and local political research at the Institute for Political Science at TU Darmstadt . Since 2012 he has been Advisory Professor at Tongji University , Shanghai.

From April 2005 to March 2009 he was Dean of the TU Darmstadt and from June 2008 to March 2011 he was also Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences.

In addition to positions in various scientific journals and co-editor of book series, he was, among other things, from March 1996 to June 2007 spokesman for the local political research group of the German Association for Political Science , from July 1998 to September 2015 member of the Executive Committee of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) and from September 2010 to June 2013 its President, from September 1998 to May 2001 member of the board of the Schader Foundation and from May 1999 to January 2001 its chairman, from April 2001 to November 2005 and since September 2015 member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz Institute for regional development and structural planning and Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research (IRS) and from November 2005 to October 2013 member of the Senate Committee Evaluation of the Leibniz Association .

Fonts (selection)

  • (together with Michael Weck): Labor market policy - between the unification discourse and the location debate. Leske & Budrich, Opladen 1998.
  • Hubert Heinelt, Panagiotis Getimis, Grigoris Kafkalas, Randall Smith and Erik Swyngedouw (Eds.): Participatory Governance in Multi-Level Context. Concepts and Experience. Leske & Budrich, Opladen 2002.
  • Michael Haus, Hubert Heinelt and Murray Stewart (Eds.): Urban Governance and Democracy: Leadership and Community Involvement. Routledge, London / New York 2005.
  • Hubert Heinelt and Daniel Kübler (eds.): Metropolitan Governance. Capacity, Democracy and the Dynamics of Place (ECPR Series in European Political Science). Routledge, London / New York 2005.
  • (together with Jochen Lang, Tanja Kopp-Malek and Bernd Reissert): The development of the EU structural funds as a cumulative political process. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2005.
  • Panagiotis Getimis, Hubert Heinelt and David Sweeting (Eds.): Legitimacy and Urban Governance. A cross-national comparative study. Routledge, London / New York 2006.
  • Henry Bäck, Hubert Heinelt and Annick Magnier (Eds.): The European Mayor. The role and position of political leaders in European cities in transformation. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006.
  • Democracy beyond the state. Participatory governance and governance. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2008.
  • Hubert Heinelt and Michèle Knodt (eds.): Policy fields in the EU multilevel system. Instruments and strategies of European governance. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2008.
  • Governing Modern Societies. Towards participatory governance. Routledge, London / New York 2010.
  • Hubert Heinelt, Eran Razin and Karsten Zimmermann (eds.): Metropolitan Governance. Different Paths in Contrasting Contexts - Germany and Israel. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt / New York 2011.
  • Xavier Bertrana and Hubert Heinelt (Eds.): The Second Tier of Local Government in Europe. Provinces, counties, départements and Landkreise in comparison. Routledge, London / New York 2011.
  • Modern governance in China. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2014.
  • (together with Karsten Zimmermann) Metropolitan Governance in Germany. Government in metropolitan areas as a prime example of new forms of political control. VS Verlag for Social Sciences, Wiesbaden 2012.
  • The Changing Context of Local Democracy: Role perception and behavior of municipal councils. Routledge, London / New York 2015.
  • (together with Marlon Barbehön, Sybille Münch and Michael Haus): Urban problem discourses. To reconstruct local political horizons of meaning in a comparison of cities. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2015.
  • (together with Max-Christopher Krapp and Sylvia Pannowitsch): Knowledge politics and political change. Change in German and British labor market policy since the 1990s. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2015.
  • (together with Wolfram Lamping): Knowledge and decision-making. Local strategies against climate change in Frankfurt aM, Munich and Stuttgart- Campus Verlag, Frankfurt / New York 2015.
  • Governance and political decision-making. For the intersubjective development of the fundamentals of political decisions. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2016.
  • Hubert Heinelt and Wolfram Lamping (Eds.): Policy Choice in Local Responses to Climate Change. A comparison of urban strategies. Routledge, London / New York 2016.
  • Xavier Bertrana, Björn Egner and Hubert Heinelt (Eds.): Policy Making at the Second Tier of Local Government in Europe. What is happening in provinces, counties, départements and Landkreise in the on-going re-scaling of statehood? Routledge, London / New York 2016.
  • Hubert Heinelt and Sybille Münch (Eds.): Handbook of European Policies: Interpretive approaches to the EU. Edgar Elgar, Cheltenham / Northampton 2018.
  • Handbook on Participatory Governance. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham / Northampton 2018.
  • Hubert Heinelt, Annick Magnier, Marcello Cabria and Herwig Reynaert (Eds.): Political Leaders and Changing Local Democracy - The European Mayor. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2018.

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