Hugo Bussmeyer

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Hugo Bußmeyer (born February 26, 1842 in Braunschweig , † February 1, 1912 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a German composer and pianist .


The son of the Brunswick court opera singer Moritz Bußmeyer and older brother of the later composer Hans Bußmeyer studied piano with Henry Litolff and Albert Methfessel . As part of a concert tour, he visited South America in 1860 , where he also performed his own works in Rio de Janeiro. He made guest appearances in New York and Paris in 1867 . Bußmeyer first moved to New York and in 1876 moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he directed the court orchestra from 1876 to 1889.


He composed stage and orchestral works, two piano concertos and a concert piece for piano and orchestra, piano pieces, a Magnificat and a Te Deum . He published The Paganism in Music .


  • Horst-Rüdiger Jarck, Günter Scheel (ed.), Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon. 19th and 20th centuries , p. 115, Hannover 1996
  • Otto Cziersky: Hugo Bussmeyer, around musico Alemao no Brasil , Revista Brasileira de Musica 4, 45–48

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Monographs of Modern Musicians , Leipzig 1907, p. 247
  2. Small Musical Conversations Lexicon , Philadelphia 1871, p. 67