Human Network International

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Human Network International is a private, non-profit organization, the various donations and practical help street children - and education projects focusing Northeast - Brazil promotes.


Ecclesiastical and secular educational institutions that look after the poorest marginalized groups in favelas and poor rural districts are supported. All projects are officially or ecclesiastically recognized and have statutes, bank details and an advisory board. However, they usually receive little or no support from the local authorities and church institutions. Kindergartens for the poor, street schools and homes for children, institutions for the disabled, orphans and measures for practical vocational training are supported. By establishing a network, a human network of helpers, donors, contact persons in Germany, Brazil and other countries, the projects should be given more recognition and practical help - especially at the local level in northeastern Brazil.


The aim is to create a model of practical vocational training for street children and orphans in some cities in Brazil; the ultimate goal is to create their own sellable products.


At the beginning of 2010, the following institutions were supported by Human Network International:

  • Landschule Ludwig Eckes, Inhambupe , Bahia , with around 60 farm workers ' children (since 1970)
  • Pastoral do Menor, Alagoinhas , Bahia, an extensive street children project with school, dormitory and workshops (since 1989)
  • Pastoral dos Creches, Alagoinhas, Bahia, 8 kindergartens in poor districts (since 1993)
  • Associacao Lar Sao Benedito, daycare center, kindergartens, special school, school for the deaf and mute and various social institutions, workshops in one of the poorest districts of Alagoinhas, Bahia (since 1995)
  • Meninos Cantores de Itapoan, Salvador, Bahia , a street children's choir from the Itapoan favela under the direction of Professor Alcides Lisboa, who trained at the Mainz University of Music (since 1993)
  • Pastoral do Menor, Itaitinga , Fortaleza , kindergarten for the poor, pastoral work and community social work by Father Alfredo Niedermaier from Würzburg (since 1996)
  • Sitio Padre Ipiapina, home and training center for street children released from prison under the direction of Father Geraldo Brandstetter from Altötting
  • Salesian project street kindergarten in Belo Horizonte , construction and renovation of a favela kindergarten (1996/1997)
  • Centro Communitario in Canavieras , Bahia, home for street children and establishment of a furniture workshop under the direction of Padre José Carlos (since 1997)
  • CAMAIC, renovation and expansion of an orphanage in a poor district of Ilhéus with expansion of school and sports rooms (multi-phase project 1997–1999)
  • Escola Joao Bosco, street children's home and school for 50 children on the outskirts of Ilhéus (since 1997)
  • CEHAS, school, pastoral care and training measures for children from a favela under the direction of social worker Maria Ines Cavalho Jesus with a school expansion project for 1998
  • Associacao dos Pais, kindergarten for the poor, pre-school education and adult care in a poor district of Ilhéus by the French sister Jeanne-Marie Tierny (since 1997)
  • Obra de Assistencia in Cachoeira , Bahia, extension of a kindergarten and extension of practical workshops of the parish under Father Helio (new project 1998)
  • In addition, the establishment of a human network in the urban area of ​​Ilhéus for the medical and dental care of orphans and street children, including local contacts.

The German headquarters of the Foundation for Human Network do Brasil is in Nieder-Olm .

Help for Human Network eV

Human Network has been supported by "Help for Human Network do Brasil eV" in Munich since 2000. The members voluntarily support the long-term project work of Human Network do Brasil with events, information events and fundraising campaigns. So in recent years u. a. Organized soccer tournaments with patrons from the South American squad of FC Bayern, including Giovane Élber , Paulo Sérgio , Roque Santa Cruz and Claudio Pizarro . The events were also supported by voluntary assistance from various companies.

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