Angela Hundsdorfer

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Angela Hundsdorfer (born February 26, 1974 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen ) is a German actress , director and theater educator .


Hundsdorfer grew up in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Munich . After graduating from high school, she studied modern German literature, German linguistics and philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. In 2003 she completed her studies with a Magister Artium, the subject of her master's thesis was the dramas Ödön von Horváths .

Parallel to her studies, she played theater and cabaret , a. a. in Jörg Maurer's undertone in Munich, at the open-air theater in Schwäbisch Hall, in TV recordings for Bavarian television and on tours at the Chiemgauer Volkstheater and at the Murnau Horváth Days.

Hundsdorfer has been directing herself since 2003. From 2003 to 2016 she was part of the management team of KULTurSOMMER Garmisch-Partenkirchen , where she worked as an actress , dramaturge and director . Hundsdorfer is a co-founder of the Denkwerkstatt - philosophy for children - as well as of KOLONASTIX - theater for children and young people. In addition to her work as an actress and director, Hundsdorfer works in the field of cultural education (e.g. at schools and daycare centers, youth art schools and extracurricular institutions).

Hundsdorfer lives with her family in Berlin.

Theater (selection)

Director (selection)

  • 2000: Ryonosuke Akutagawa: Rashomon, own version
  • 2003: Frank Baum: The Wizard of Oz, open-air production in its own version (Freilichtspiele Schwäbisch Hall)
  • 2007: Kai Hensel: Klamms Krieg (in-house production)
  • 2008: William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, own version
  • 2008: Otfried Preußler: The Robber Hotzenplotz (Cultural Summer Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
  • 2009: The Bavarian Everyman, open-air production in its own version (Garmisch-Partenkirchen cultural summer)
  • 2010: Ellis Kaut: Master Eder and his Pumuckl (cultural summer Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
  • 2011: Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist, festival version
  • 2012: Janne Teller: Nothing. What is important in life, own style
  • 2012: Robert Schneider: Schlafes Bruder, open-air production in its own version (cultural summer Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
  • 2013: with KOLONASTIX: Otfried Preußler : Das kleine Gespenst , own version
  • 2014: Marlen Haushofer : The Wall , open-air production in its own version (Garmisch-Partenkirchen cultural summer)
  • 2014: Michael Ende : Ophelia's shadow theater, open-air production in its own version (as part of the Michael Ende week at the Garmisch-Partenkirchen cultural summer)
  • 2015: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry : The Little Prince, own version (Cultural Summer Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
  • 2016: with KOLONASTIX: Wilhelm Busch: Max and Moritz
  • 2016: Angela Hundsdorfer: The robber Kneissl. A Bavarian legend (Garmisch-Partenkirchen cultural summer)
  • 2018: Morton Rhue: The Wave. Production with young people (Jugendkunstschule Neuruppin)
  • 2018: Carl Orff: Comoedia de Christi Resurrectione. With the Munich Bach Choir; musical direction: Hans-Jörg Albrecht (Carl-Orff-Fest, Andechs)
  • 2018: WaldWeit. Forest walk with theater, video art and music (Brandenburg)

Film and TV (selection)

  • 2001: The Hypocrites ; Movie, R: Thomas Kronthaler
  • 2010: The five elements; Short film, P: Miami Ad School, Hamburg; R: R. Huettner
  • 2010: a thousand thoughts; Music video, Einshochsechs

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