Hydrocynus forskahlii

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Hydrocynus forskahlii
Hydrocynus forskahlii.jpg

Hydrocynus forskahlii

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : African tetras (Alestidae)
Genre : Hydrocynus
Type : Hydrocynus forskahlii
Scientific name
Hydrocynus forskahlii
Cuvier , 1819

Hydrocynus forskahlii , engl. Elongate Tigerfish, belongs to the African tiger tetras.

distribution and habitat

Hydrocynus forskahlii is more widespread than other Hydrocynus species and is found in West and Central Africa. Its distribution areas include the Nile , Volta , Lake Albert (Albert Nyanza), Lake Turkana , Lake Gandjule and many other bodies of water. The species of fish is found in Senegal , Niger , Ivory Coast , Guinea , Cameroon , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Ghana , Liberia , Benin , Gambia , Chad, and Sierra Leone .


The fish can be up to 80 centimeters long and 15 kilograms in weight. You will achieve a maximum life expectancy of four years. Their bodies are elongated and have a silvery to gray color. Their fins are partially colored red.

Way of life

Hydrocynus forskahlii forms small schools or schools. As a predatory fish, it often hunts prey fish close to the surface, preferring elongated fish species ( herrings , cichlids and African tetras ) that can be easily swallowed. Stomach studies have shown that fish are its preferred prey. Hydrocynus forskahlii also eats insects , snails, and even grass . Under certain circumstances, H. forskahlii behaves like cannibals. The fish eagle ( Haliaeetus vocifer ) is one of its enemies . Spawning migrations have been observed in the tributaries of the Kariba Dam during the rainy season.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. in Ethiopia
  2. a b c d e Hydrocynus forskahlii on Fishbase.org (English)
  3. a b F.G. Ogbe, GA Ataguba and EH Okosuwe: Feeding habits and growth parameters of Hydrocynus forskalii and Alestes nurse in River Benue, Nigeria, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Agriculture, PMB 2373 Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, Journal of Applied Biosciences (2008 ), Vol. 11: 576 - 583 (PDF; 126 kB)