Ibn Sab'in

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Ibn Sab'in

Ibn Sab'in , with full name Mohammad Ibn Abd-al-Haq Ibn Sab'in ( Arabic محمدبن عبدالحق بن سبعين, * approx. 1217 in Murcia ; † 1271 in Mecca ), was an Arab Sufi philosopher , Aristotelian and mystic and was the last Islamic philosopher in Andalusia . He called himself Ibn Dāra.

As the son of the governor of Murcia, Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad ibn Naṣr, he came from a wealthy and noble Moroccan family. Ibn Sab'in studied among other things Arabic, Andalusian literature, logic and philosophy as well as medicine and alchemy. At the age of thirty he had to leave the Levant , probably because the city did not like his Sufi ideas. He moved to Ceuta in North Africa , where he wrote his first and best-known work. When he was accused of heterodoxy there because his teaching had represented a non-Islamic doctrine, he had to go into exile a second time and got to Mecca via Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera , Bejaia , Gabès and Cairo . In Bejaia he was the teacher of the mystic and poet Al-Shustari .

His first work, which is considered the introductory compendium in the Arab-Islamic philosophy of Andalusia, includes answers to the Sicilian Questions ( al-Masā'il al-Ṣiqilliyya) of the Staufer -Kaisers Frederick II. He was also known for his extensive knowledge of Judaism , Christianity , Hinduism and Zoroastrianism .

A bilingual Arabic-German edition of The Sicilian Questions was published in the first series of the Herder Library of Medieval Philosophy (Volume 2).

The Sicilian questions

The 5 questions of the emperor have not survived, but can be deduced from the answers.

  • The first question was about the Aristotelian proof of the eternity of the universe .
  • The second was about the purpose and requirements of theology for the Greeks and the Sufis .
  • The third was about the number and importance of the Aristotelian categories .
  • The fourth dealt on the one hand with the immortality of the soul and on the other hand with the differences between the theories of Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias
  • The fifth was about a hadeeth ( Arabic حديث Hadīth , DMG ḥadīṯ  'narrative, report, communication, tradition') by Mohammed or one of his direct successors: "The heart of the believer lies between two fingers of the merciful"

Web links

Commons : Ibn Sabin  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Patrizia Spallino: Ibn Sabʿīn, ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq. In: Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer, Dordrecht, 2011, accessed June 10, 2019 .
  2. Ibn Sab'in and Islamic Orthodoxy: A Reassessment. In: Sirajuddin.com.au. Retrieved June 10, 2019 (American English).
  3. What were Frederick II's favorite pastimes? | Navigator general knowledge. Retrieved May 20, 2019 .
  4. Ibn Sab'in, Anna Ayşe Akasoy : The Sicilian Questions. Herder, 2005, accessed December 21, 2018 .
  5. The Sicilian Questions