Idris El Hareir

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Idris Saleh El-Hareir (born 1945 ) is a Libyan historian and professor of history in the Faculty of Art at Benghazi University . He was a delegate of the World Islamic Call Society ( WICS ) to UNESCO and is the responsible president of the scientific committee of The Different Aspects of the Islamic Culture in the UNESCO book series General and Regional Histories .

Live and act

Idris El Hareir was born in 1945. He acquired in 1969 a BA in History from the University of Libya ( University of Libya ), in 1972 an MA in history from the University of Indiana , USA, and in 1976 a Ph.D. in History from the University of Utah , USA. He was a member of the Faculty of Arts Committee 1977–1979, member of the University of Garyounis Higher Committee 1977–1979, 1977–1980 Chairman of the Research Board of the Faculty of Arts, member of the Research Board Center, University of Garyounis 1977–1980, 1976 Editor of the Bulletin of Faculty of Arts , member of the editorial board of Majallat al-Buhath al-Tarikhiyya , published by the Libyan Studies Center in Tripoli , director of the project to rewrite Libyan history during the Italian occupation since 1976 , member of the Board of Governors of the Institute for Studies of Humanistic Values , Accra , Ghana , member of the International Scientific Committee for the Development of a General History of Africa since 1978 , Chairman of the International Scientific Committee for the Project Different Aspects of Islamic Culture , member of the Arabian Plan, sponsored by UNESCO .

He was Visiting Professor in Morocco at the University of Muhammad V ( Rabat ) and the Sidi Mohammed Benabdellah University ( Fez ), in the United States at Howard University ( Washington, DC ), the University of Utah ( Salt Lake City ), the University of Michigan Ann Arbor .

Publications (selection)

  • The Rustamid State . Univ. Microfilms Internat., Ann Arbor, Mich .; Univ. of Utah, Diss., 1976
  • (Ed.) The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture , Vol. III ( General and Regional Histories ) ( Online )
  • "North Africa and the Second World War", in Africa and the Second World War: Reports and Papers of the Symposium Organized by UNESCO at Benghazi
  • "Mawaqif Khalida li 'Umar al-Muktar". Majallat al-Buhath al-Tarikhiyya 2 (July 1988)

See also

References and footnotes

  1. UNESCO presents collection of General and Regional Histories ( UNAOC )
  2. cf.
  3. Different aspects of Islamic culture: The foundations of Islam , p. 519 (other members: Abdelwahab Bouhdiba , Ahmad Y. al-Hassan , Albert Zaki Iskander , El Hadji Ravane M'Baye , Ismail Ibrahim Nawwab , Zafar Ishaq Ansari , HA Mukti Ali , Halil Inalcik , Ahmad Saleh Taieb )
  4. cf. The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture: A unique contribution to a better knowledge of Islamic civilization
  5. International Scientific Committee (UNESCO) - accessed May 28, 2017
  6. Named after Sultan Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah .
  7. ^ The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture , Vol. VI, p. 524.
  8. Umar al-Muchtar was executed in 1931 in the Soluch concentration camp .


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