Ignacio Aguirre

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Ignacio Aguirre (born December 23, 1900 in San Sebastián del Oeste , Jalisco , Mexico , † July 11, 1990 in Mexico City , Mexico) was a Mexican painter and graphic artist .


Aguirre fought against Pancho Villa in the army of Venustiano Carranza during the Mexican Revolution . He then worked as a miner and took part in the uprising led by Álvaro Obregón . From 1921 to 1929 he worked in the Ministry of Transport and in the office of the Mexican President. Since 1928 he was in the Ulisses theater group . From 1929 he was an art teacher in various schools and academies and took part in cultural missions in Mexican villages. In 1934 Aguirre joined the Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionarios(League of Revolutionary Writers and Artists, LEAR). In 1937 he founded the Taller de Gráfica Popular (Workshop of Folk Graphic Artists , TGP) with other artists . In the following years he worked with Pablo O'Higgins and Alfredo Zalce . Aguirre's works were exhibited in New York in 1940, 1942, 1944 and 1948 . In 1952 he founded the Frente Nacional de Artes Plásticas (National Front of the Plastic Arts, FNAP) with other artists . From 1956 to 1957 Aguirre undertook a traveling exhibition of the Frente Nacional de las Artes Plásticas through Eastern Europe and China . In 1965 he resigned from the Taller de Grafica Popular.


  • Helga Prignitz: TGP: a graphic artist collective in Mexico from 1937–1977 . Berlin 1981, ISBN 3-922005-12-8
  • Helga Prignitz-Poda: Taller de Gráfica Popular: Workshop for graphic folk art: posters and leaflets on the labor movement and trade unions in Mexico 1937–1986 . Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-935656-10-6

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