Ignacy Karpowicz

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Ignacy Karpowicz (2007)

Ignacy Karpowicz (born July 26, 1976 in Białystok ) is a Polish prose writer and literary critic . He is counted among the best writers of his generation.


Karpowicz spent his childhood in the village of Słuczanka and then moved to Białystok with his family . There he attended high school. After graduating from high school, he moved to Warsaw , where he studied at the University of Warsaw from 1995 to 1998 . He also worked as a high school teacher. He spent a long time in Ethiopia in 2000 and traveled to Central America and East Africa from 2002 to 2006 . He made his debut in 2002 with a fragment of the narrative geometry. Commentary tłumacza Roberta Cionglera , which was published in FA-art magazine . He received a scholarship in 2007 and moved to Krakow for two years in 2008 .

He lives in Słuczanka.


  • Niehalo. 2006
  • Cud. 2007
  • Nowy kwiat cesarza (i pszczoły). 2007
  • Gesty. 2008
  • Balladyny i romanse. 2010
  • Ości. 2013
  • Sońka. 2014
  • Miłość. 2017

Nominations and Awards

Web links

  • Katarzyna Batora: Ignacy Karpowicz. In: Polscy pisarze i badacze literatury przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Retrieved October 10, 2018 (Polish).
  • Bartosz Staszczyszyn: Ignacy Karpowicz. In: culture.pl . June 7, 2013, accessed October 10, 2018 (Polish, last updated February 2018).

Individual evidence

  1. Bartosz Staszczyszyn: Ignacy Karpowicz. In: culture.pl . June 7, 2013, accessed October 10, 2018 (Polish, last updated February 2018).