Ignaz Heinrich Bronzetti

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Heinrich Bronzetti

Ignaz Heinrich Bronzetti (born July 10, 1815 in Bamberg , † November 20, 1882 in Munich ) was a Bavarian soldier all his life and in the Franco-German War 1870/71 commander of the 3rd Royal Bavarian Field Artillery Regiment .


Ignaz Heinrich Bronzetti was the son of the officer Carl Joseph Bronzetti (1788-1854) and his wife Helene Ott (1790-1855). He was the cousin of the famous "Fratelli Bronzetti", Narciso Bronzetti and Pilade Bronzetti , who died as soldiers in the wars for the unification of Italy.

He joined the Bavarian Cadet Corps at the age of 13. His certificates show him as one of the best in his class. On August 6, 1833, he was promoted to Junker. After further promotions, he reached the rank of colonel on February 1, 1870.

Bronzetti led the 3rd Bavarian field artillery regiment "Queen Mother" from February 1, 1870 and thus also during the Franco-German War 1870/71 and remained its commander until April 11, 1874, the day of his retirement.

During this war he took part in numerous battles - Beaumont , Remilly-sur-Meuse, Sedan , from September 22 to October 5, 1870 in the siege of Paris , as well as the battles of Artenay , Orléans , Coulmiers , Nogent le Rotru and Bazoches les Hautes - part. He was injured in the latter battle, but the wound healed quickly.

On July 6, 1875, King Ludwig II promoted the already retired Bronzetti to major general .

From Bronzetti's marriage to Amalie Sauer (1821–1900) the daughter Dora emerged, married to Lieutenant Colonel Richard Jaeger (1845–1899).

Amalie Bronzetti, b. Angry

awards and medals

With a resolution of December 31, 1868, the Bavarian King Ludwig II. Heinrich Bronzetti awarded the Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Royal Merit Order of St. Michael, on December 1, 1870 the Knight's Cross Iter Class of the Order of Military Merit.

On March 2, 1871, Kaiser Wilhelm awarded Bronzetti the war medal for combatants “in recognition of his dutiful participation in the victorious campaign of 1870–1871” .

King Wilhelm of Prussia awarded him the Iron Cross second class on January 19, 1873 .

On April 29, 1874, when he left, Queen Mother Marie wrote to him : “I sincerely regret that you have left our beautiful, brave regiment, which you have always led victoriously in the most difficult war. It will give you constant honor and satisfaction. "


  • Alessandro Marra: Pilade Bronzetti: un bersagliere per l´unità d´Italia: da Mantova a Morrone. Milan 1999.

Individual evidence

  1. a b All original documents in family ownership, Bavarian War Archives , archive number OP 5385.
  2. Document in family ownership, copy in the museum in the Casa Bronzetti in Roverè della Luna / Eichholz.