Il barone di Rocca Antica

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Opera dates
Original title: Il barone di Rocca Antica
Shape: Dramma giocoso
Original language: Italian
Music: Antonio Salieri
Libretto : Giuseppe Petrosellini
Premiere: May 12, 1772
Place of premiere: Vienna, Burgtheater
Playing time: about 2 hours
Place and time of the action: Castle of Rocca Antica, fief of Baron Arsura
  • Il barone Arsura, poor knight with an eccentric character ( tenor )
  • Beatrice, rich young woman, mistress of the baron ( soprano )
  • Giocondo, land manager of the baron ( bass )
  • Lenina, peasant girl (soprano)

Il barone di Rocca Antica (Eng. The Baron of Rocca Antica ) is a "Dramma giocoso" in two parts by Antonio Salieri based on a text by Giuseppe Petrosellini . The premiere took place on May 12, 1772 in the Vienna Burgtheater . Another performance took place in 1775 in the Passau Court Theater.

Two famous contemporary witnesses of the first production of this opera were Charles Burney and Johann Adolf Hasse . With the exception of the pretty leading actress, Burney didn’t like much of the play; "The music was" in his opinion "boring and the singing mediocre". However, he observed that the Emperor Joseph II was "extremely attentive" during the play and applauded "several times very warmly". Salieri apparently made a far greater impression on Hasse; In a letter he writes of the pleasure that he had given him “un intermezzo a 4 voci” of a certain Salieri, in which he saw a “giovine di spirito e promettente assai”.

Further settings of this material come from Pasquale Anfossi ( 1771 ) and Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf ( 1776 ).

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