Ilona Hubay

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Ilona Hubay (born July 1, 1902 in Pécs ; † June 20, 1982 in Munich ) was a Hungarian librarian and incunabula expert who had lived in Germany since 1960 .


After graduating from school in Pécs, she studied art history at the University of Budapest and was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. She worked as a librarian in the Széchényi National Library , where she was responsible for cataloging the Apponyi collection. In 1945 she became senior librarian. In 1951 the communist authorities deported her and her mother to a farm near Szeged . In 1960 she fled Hungary to the Federal Republic of Germany. Here she initially worked as a librarian at the Coburg State Library . From 1962 to 1976 she was entrusted with the listing of incunabula (especially Würzburg, Augsburg, Neuburg and Eichstätt) on behalf of the General Directorate of the Bavarian State Libraries.

Ilona Hubay was best known for her directory of all existing copies of the 42-line Gutenberg Bible : the known copies of the forty-two-line Bible and their owners , which she first presented in 1979 in the commentary on the facsimile edition of the Berlin copy. She identified 47 pieces and their owners. Two more specimens have been identified in Russia since the Hubay directory was published. Today the directory is continued and updated by the Incunabula Short Title Catalog .


  • Missalia hungarica. Régi magyar misekönyvek. Budapest 1938
  • Magyar és magyar vonatkozású röplapok, újságlapok, röpiratok az OSZK-ban 1480–1718. Budapest 1948.
  • The manuscripts of the Coburg State Library. (Catalogs of the Coburg State Library 5) Coburg: Coburg State Foundation 1962
  • Incunabula of the Würzburg University Library. Wiesbaden 1966
  • Incunabula Eichstätter Libraries. 1968
  • Incunabula from the Neuburg State Library, Danube, in the Ottobeuren Benedictine Abbey. Ottobeuren 1970
  • Incunabula of the State and City Library Augsburg. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1974 (incunabulum catalogs of Bavarian libraries) ISBN 3-447-01597-7
  • The known copies of the forty-two line Bible and their owners. In: W. Schmidt and FA Schmidt-Künsemüller (eds.) Johannes Gutenberg's forty-two-line Bible, facsimile edition based on the copy from the State Library of Prussian Cultural Heritage Berlin: Commentary Volume. Munich 1979, pp. 127-155

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