Use Scheer

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Ilse Scheer (* 1935 ; † April 17, 2007 in Berlin ) was an Austrian actress and director .


Ilse Scheer received her acting training from Mela Wigandt and the castle actress Dorothea Neff in Vienna . Scheer was one of the co-initiators of the legendary ensemble Die Komödianten at the Vienna Theater on Börseplatz ; their evening of morality, Kaiser- und Küchenlieder , was one of the most popular performances on this stage. Scheer came to Berlin in the early 1970s, where she and Otto Zonschitz founded Theatermanufaktur , the most important independent group in Germany , on Halleschen Ufer in 1972 . From then on she also directed at the Stuttgart State Theater , the Tübingen State Theater and at the Ruhr Festival .

From 1980 to 1991 Ilse Scheer was artistic director of the theater manufacture. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, however, the political theater was considered dusty by both the Berlin press and the Senate, and the actors were declared “forever yesterday” , and the group had to leave their venue.

From 1991 Scheer, who was considered a brilliant interpreter of Brecht, staged at the Jura-Soyfer- Theater am Spittelberg in Vienna  - but she was never seen again on the stages in Berlin after the loss of the house on Halleschen Ufer.

Ilse Scheer was married to the writer and director Conny Hannes Meyer .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1969: beggars, peasants and ballads


  • Rudolf Stodola: Emperor and Kitchen Songs . 1 CD (12 cm) with insert. Preiser Records 90008. Preiser, Vienna 1989.
  • Rudolf Stodola: The Walnut Sonata . 1 CD (12 cm) with insert. Preiser, Vienna 2000, ISBN 978-3902028945 .
  • Rudolf Stodola: songs and poems by Bertolt Brecht . 1 CD (12 cm) with insert. Preiser Records 90402. Preiser, Vienna 2002.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. August 1, 1972: Beginning of the rental agreement for a former chocolate factory in Berlin-Neukölln, Hermannstrasse 229, 2nd rear building, 245 m² on four floors. - In: Irmgard Schartner: Hanns Eisler, Johann Faustus. The work and its performance history . Musikleben, Volume 7. VWGÖ, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-631-33363-3 , p. 97.
  2. ^ Rainer Harjes: Handbook for the practice of independent theater. Living space through lifelong dream . DuMont, Cologne 1983, ISBN 3-7701-1469-8 , p. 38.
  3. a b Horst Zimmermann: Ilse Scheer and the Berlin Theater Manufactory . In: , April 2008, accessed on November 7, 2010.
  4. Horst Ogris: Ilse Scheer's Brecht evening: More than a stopgap . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung , November 24, 1970, p. 8, bottom left.
  5. Permalink Austrian Library Association .
  6. Permalink German National Library .