Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Tuttlingen

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Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Tuttlingen
Exterior view IKG.jpg
Back of building with playground
type of school high school
founding 1967

Mühlenweg 15

place 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany
carrier City of Tuttlingen
student about 800
Teachers 74
management Patricia Pulfer-Jauch

The Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium is one of two general high schools in Tuttlingen . It was named after the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). The school is currently attended by approx. 800 students who are currently taught by 74 teachers (as of June 2019). The students come from Tuttlingen and a large catchment area in the surrounding area.

Educational path

You can choose between an artistic , a linguistic and a scientific profile. All -day care is offered for lower school students

In the 2004/2005 school year, the eight-year grammar school was introduced at the IKG from the fifth grade . The music profile is also offered from the fifth grade. In the sixth grade there is the possibility of choosing the bilingual train , in which the lessons in the minor subjects - depending on the grade level history, geography or biology - take place in English. In grade 6, you can also choose between the compulsory foreign languages ​​Latin and French; In this regard, the lessons in class 10 lead to the Latinum or language level B1. In grade 8 the fifth major is chosen, which is counted as the major up to the tenth grade. It is possible to choose between the third foreign language Spanish, music and the natural science profile (NWT).

Student exchange

From grade 7, an exchange to the French twin city Draguignan and to Bex ( French-speaking Switzerland ) or trips to Hasting ( England ), Assisi ( Italy ), Madrid ( Spain ), Port Orchard ( USA ) or Powell River ( Canada ) are offered.


In 1911 the Realschule was founded with an attached Realprogymnasium from the Latin and Realanstalt . The new name also meant the incorporation of Latin into secondary school. After the First World War , the planned expansion to a full institution was rejected by the schools ministerial department for financial reasons. In 1919 the new seventh grades were introduced, and shortly thereafter (1925/26) the eighth and ninth grades were introduced. The school was then renamed "Oberrealschule with urban upper class". In 1929 the first Abitur was taken in Tuttlingen. In 1938 the high school celebrated its 100th anniversary.

After the destruction in World War II , it was reopened in 1945. In 1953 the school was officially recognized as a grammar school with nine years of teaching. As a result, the planned school renovation and a partnership with Bex were decided in 1959 . In the 1960s, the facilities of a language laboratory , an experimental school for sex education and the first “smoking corner” caused a national sensation in Tuttlingen .

In 1968 the sculptor Roland Martin , who had graduated from high school in Tuttlingen in 1946, designed two statues of boys in the Fallen Memorial Hall to commemorate the school’s students and teachers who died in World War II.

The grammar school in its current form with the building at Mühlenweg 15 has existed since 1967. After the school was first subordinated to the city of Tübingen , it was transferred to Freiburg's custody in the early 1970s. This was followed by the division of the grammar schools and a name dispute that was only settled in 1978 with the establishment of the names Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium and Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium . Since then, there has also been cooperation between advanced courses and student exchanges as well as the joint choir and orchestra.

The school-free Saturday was enforced together with 300 other high schools in 1995. In 1996, the eight-year grammar school was rejected for the first time, but the scientific profile was introduced. In the following years, the spelling reform , the seminar courses and the winter sports day were introduced. In the 1999/2000 school year the high schools then voted for the second renovation of the buildings, which lasted until 2003. In this year the next upper level reform followed , as well as the forerunner of the social internship, "Social Learning". At the beginning of the new millennium, teaching was subjected to several teaching reforms, which also led to the planning of the “House of Students”. The 2012/2013 school year saw the introduction of the music profile and the bilingual train in 2013/2014. In 2016/2017 a time picture tree was drawn up, the so-called “world class”, a preparatory class for foreign students was introduced and the new education plan implemented. Extensive renovation work will take place from the 2019/2020 school year.

Projects and Events

The school offers numerous other projects and events, such as B. Concert performances by the school's choir , orchestra and big band , musical performances , science competitions and various sporting events and competitions.

Former students

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Welcome to the IKG (website of the IKG). Retrieved September 20, 2019 .
  2. ^ School management (website of the IKG). Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  3. Our team (website of the IKG). Retrieved September 20, 2019 .
  5. a b Volker Schäfer: School life in the post-war period: A Tuttlinger high school class between 1945 and 1954 . 1st edition. W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2014, Chapter 2.7 The Fallen Memorial Hall with the two statues of boys by Roland Martin ( limited preview in the Google book search).