Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk

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Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk (IDeA) is an interdisciplinary scientific center in Frankfurt am Main for research into development and learning processes in children within the first twelve years of life. Particular attention is paid to children whose educational success is jeopardized by various risks.


The IDeA Center was established in 2008 as part of the State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence (LOEWE), a research funding program of the State of Hesse. Since 2014, by resolution of the Joint Science Conference, it has been permanently anchored at the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF) and is coordinated from there. The founding partners are DIPF, the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the Sigmund Freud Institute . The members of the Center have expertise in the fields of psychology , education sciences , psycholinguistics , neuroscience , different subject didactics, sociology and psychoanalysis . The research center is managed by a Scientific Board. The scientific director of the center is Florian Schmiedek (deputy: Ilonca Hardy).

Research priorities

Individual development

In the research area Individual Development, basic research is carried out on the development and learning processes of children, for example with regard to language acquisition, mathematical skills, and cognitive and social abnormalities. In addition to understanding typical developmental courses as the basis for educational success, courses that deviate from this are of particular interest, for example due to individual cognitive or neurobiological risks or due to educational disadvantage and social inequality. Furthermore, the research teams develop and evaluate test procedures in order to diagnose certain abnormalities as early as possible and to improve the prediction of school performance. The research focus is headed by Christian Fiebach and Marcus Hasselhorn .

Adaptive educational contexts

The research area Adaptive Educational Contexts looks at children in different living and learning environments. The focus is on the question of the extent to which different contexts are adaptive, i.e. are tailored to the individual needs and starting points of the children. Educational contexts are understood very broadly and include institutions such as day-care centers and schools as well as the family, their peers and the living environment of children. Furthermore, support measures are developed, evaluated and transferred to pedagogical practice in this focus. The research focus is headed by Sabine Andresen and Patrick Meurs.


The professionalization research area examines the skills, orientations and attitudes of educational professionals in day-care centers and primary schools. The aim of these studies is to support teachers and educators in arranging learning settings in heterogeneous groups in such a way that children with different individual requirements can benefit from them. Furthermore, the scientists examine the expectations that are placed on educational staff from the point of view of the public, politics and science, and investigate how the professionals deal with these expectations of themselves. The research focus is headed by Ilonca Hardy and Eckhard Klieme .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. State program LOEWE | Hessian Ministry for Science and Art. Retrieved June 9, 2020 .
  2. Karsten Herrmann: Understanding and promoting children's learning. Accessed June 9, 2020 (German).
  3. Funding with excellent prospects: LOEWE Center IDeA at DIPF stabilized (LOEWE 14) / ProLoewe. Retrieved June 9, 2020 .