Industrial companies in Greiz and the surrounding area

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The small town of Greiz , residence of the Principality of Reuss a. L. , and its surroundings were once one of the most industrialized regions in Germany. Dominated by long-established house and factory weaving and paper production, industrialization began in 1811 with the establishment of a spinning mill, which was followed by the first weaving mill in 1824 as the first two industrial companies that can be known to have settled there. In a short period of time, finishing companies , mechanical engineering and other supplier industries, such as the chemical industry, were added. The specialization took place in wool weaving, especially worsted yarn products, especially for high-quality costume and suit fabrics, but silk and other fabrics were also produced to a lesser extent. Accordingly, the Greizer was proud of their high-quality products and Dr. Doehler formulated "What Greiz woven and Greiz dyed, that lasts until the Enk'lin inherits it!"


The industrial development of the small principality was above average, among other things because of this and the resulting (tax) income, the Principality of Reuss a. L. was one of the few accession states with only very low debts when the empire was founded in 1871. In 1892, 11,205 mechanical looms ( looms ) of various types were already in operation. In 1902 there were 11 millionaires among the manufacturers in Greiz, so that Greiz probably had the most millionaires per capita in Germany. A few numbers may support this.

In December 1936 were in the city of Greiz:

  • 7,358 people are employed in the textile industry (with approx. 40,000 inhabitants).
  • 7,200 looms were available, 5,284 of which were in operation.
  • 32,108,265 m² (32 million square meters) of fabric were produced, which corresponds to 2,675,688 m² per month.
  • With a similar performance, goods worth 74,390,582 Reichsmarks were earned in the following year (1937), based on today's money (factor 4.58) that would be 340,708,866 EUR.

An annual production of 1 to 2 million m² of fabric by each of the largest weaving mills was typical. The largest employer was probably Georg Schleber AG, which in 1920 alone had 1006 employees because, as a finishing company, it was responsible for dyeing and finishing the fabrics produced by the weaving mills.

Many of the family-owned companies continued to exist until 1945 ( Gebr. Albert KG ). Some changed partners (Voigt & Zirnité to Zirnité & Kolbig), others survived crises or the global economic crisis (JG Reinhold & Co.). A dark chapter was the " Aryanization " of the weaving mill Samuel Schwarz & Sohn (on April 5, 1942 - O. Ohlwein took over the company the next day) and Gebr. Berglas oHG, one had to change partners (Müller & Kramer, then Müller & Schütz, Kramer was a Jew). After in some cases more than a hundred years of existence, all large companies were expropriated between 1945 and 1949 and transferred to VEBs, some small ones not until 1972. The restructuring of these years is often confusing. However, many of the textile companies continued to exist as part of the VEB Greika until 1990, and from May 15, 1990 they operated as Greika GmbH. Some parts of the company were sold or transferred back during this time. In the years that followed, investors from India were hopeful, but they soon turned out to be fraudsters. The traditional textile industry ended on April 1st, 1997 with the complete execution of the bankrupt Greika GmbH. As in many other places, the years that followed were marked by decay and demolition of the buildings.

The following list is based on status 1892/95 and lists existing and existing companies in Greiz and the immediate vicinity (without claim to completeness).


Mechanical weaving

  • Albert, KH - founded 1860 -> 1865 Albert, Gebr.
  • Arnold & Sons -> 1892 to Arnold, Friedrich
  • Arnold, Friedrich - founded in 1837
  • Arnold, WH jun. - founded in 1832 -> 1928 Deutsche Kammgarn AG -> 1928 Gebr. Berglas AG -> 1941 Tex AG
  • Belly, FT
  • Mug, Richard
  • Beck, Louis - founded in 1854
  • Berglas, Gebr. - founded in 1889 (see Arnold, WH jun.)
  • Braun & Cremer
  • Büttner, Ferdinand - founded in 1864
  • CF Heyer -> J. Voigt
  • Daut & Oehler
  • Demmrich & Co.
  • Dietel, Eduard
  • Dietel, Hermann
  • Dietsch & Stiebert
  • Falk, Malz & Co.
  • Feistel, JG
  • Fischer, Louis
  • Frank, Hugo - founded in 1921
  • Frisch & Gulden -> Greizer newspaper
  • Geigenmüller & Fuchs, founded in 1880
  • Gensch & Pertzel - founded in 1890
  • Hot, Eugene
  • Hetzheim, Max - founded in 1902
  • Heyer, CF - founded in 1872
  • Hüttner, Bernhard
  • Jahn, FA
  • Lässig & Sander
  • Leidthold, Richard
  • Liborius, Franz - founded in 1866
  • Lorenz, CG
  • Malz & Dietel - founded in 1872 -> 1889 Hermann Dietel
  • Malz, Franz H. founded in 1864 -> Freia Automobil AG
  • Merz, Anton - founded in 1836
  • Müller, Franz & Kramer - founded in 1840 -> 1940 Müller & Schütz
  • Piehler, Carl & Spiegel - founded in 1883
  • Pucher, Franz - founded in 1867
  • Reinhold, JG -> 1929 Carl Semper & Co.
  • Reissmann, Gebr. - founded in 1909
  • Reissmann, Willy - founded in 1914
  • Schilbach & Heine
  • Schilbach & Co. - founded in 1850
  • Schmidt, FO & Sohn - founded in 1906/1924
  • Schulze & Wagner - founded in 1865
  • Schwarz, S. & Sohn - founded in 1876 -> 1939 Otto Ohlwein GmbH
  • Seyfert & Brösel - founded 1824 -> 1832 Brösel, Eduard
  • Seyffert & Schönfeld
  • Steudel, Bruno - founded in 1922
  • Weber & Feustel - founded in 1847, from 1868 in Greiz
  • Weber, Hermann - founded in 1895
  • Star, max
  • Timmel, Franz
  • Voigt & Zirnité - founded in 1888 -> 1892 Zirnité & Kolbig


  • Beck, Georg jun. - founded in 1821
  • Malz, Franz

Raw textile materials

  • Wezel, Friedrich - founded in 1881

Woolen goods and yarn printing

  • Golle, Victor
  • Heydt, Ernst
  • Kietzer, O.
  • Mende, August
  • Piehler, Hermann
  • Reinhold, Franz
  • Scheitz, H.

Appreteur and finishing institute

  • Bauer, Robert
  • Gedicke & Weitze -> Albert Weitze Sons - founded in 1863
  • Jahn, CG
  • Metzner, Otto
  • Metzner & Sohn -> 1871 Georg Schleber
  • Schleber, Georg - founded in 1847, Greiz plant from 1871
  • Schlott, Heinrich - founded 1871 -> 1882 Jahn, CG

Dyeing and chem. laundry

  • Glauchau, formerly O. Seiffert
  • Gedicke & Weitze -> Albert Weitze Sons - founded in 1863
  • Grimm & Hansel
  • Jahn, CG - since 1862
  • Koehler, Richard
  • Persch, Karl
  • Schleber, Georg
  • Wahl, Aug. Leopold

Iron foundry and engineering company

  • Geßner, Hermann
  • Grosse, Hermann - founded in 1878
  • Kretzschmar, Eduard
  • Prüfer, Richard - founded in 1890
  • Spaleck, Otto - founded in 1869
  • Spranger, CF - taken over by Oskar Schleicher in 1910
  • Oskar Schleicher founded in 1892
  • Strauss, Victor & Plarre - founded in 1874 -> HA Plarre
  • Strauss, Victor

Pulp, paper

  • Günther, Otto


  • Walther, Victor - founded in 1856

Pohlitz, Schönfeld, Irchwitz

Mechanical weaving

  • Böhmig, Otto
  • Conrad & Schindler - founded in 1889
  • Forbriger, Paul - founded in 1912
  • Geßner & Reinhold
  • Cook, Paul
  • Merkel, Ludwig
  • Reissmann, JF
  • Schulze & Co. -> Franz Heyer
  • Schilbach & Co. -> NSKK Motorsport School

Yarn dyeing

  • Pestel, Arthur - founded in 1821 -> 1927 Gebr. Pestel OHG

Iron foundry & engineering company

  • Müller, Gustav
  • Schramm, CA

Rothenthal, Dölau

Mechanical weaving

  • Aurich & Wagner
  • Becher, Otto
  • Bag & Metz
  • Oehler, CG - founded 1843 -> 1873 Dietsch & Oehler -> 1908 Gebr. Oehler
  • Klopfer & Dornheim
  • Knäbel & Würker
  • Liborius & Wagner
  • Müller, Karl
  • Pältz, Herrmann
  • Seckendorf & Wilke - founded in 1851
  • Wagner, Karl

Woolen goods and yarn printing

  • Treuter & Golle (until 1909)

Chemical factories

Iron foundry & engineering company

  • Weck, Carl H.


Mechanical weaving

  • Otto & Vaupel
  • Pfroepffer & Weimann -> Pfroepffer & Cie.
  • Preller & Coburger
  • Schulze, Gebr. - founded in 1867

Dyeing & finishing plant

  • Dittmar, Wilhelm - founded in 1898

Weaving utensils

  • Friedrich Trillitzsch


Mechanical weaving

  • Koch, August



  • Windisch, CF


Mechanical weaving

  • Eiserhardt & Schröder -> 1899 Ernst Engländer AG
  • Schulze & Sons


Mechanical weaving

  • Anlauft & Oschatz
  • Baer & Knabe
  • Beringer, Hoffmann & Stier
  • Herold, FW
  • Heyer & Rieck
  • Jäger & Seidel
  • Kiessling & Vogel
  • Koehler, A.
  • Obernitz, Müller & Co. -> Obernitz & Steudel
  • Otto, Oskar
  • Otto & Wilhelm
  • Petermann & Trober
  • Plow & Orlamünde
  • Ruppert, Gebr.
  • Schimer, Leber & Co.
  • Schultzes, E. & Co.
  • Seidel, Bernhard & Bruno
  • Seidel, Richard
  • Strobel, Tschirmer & Co.
  • Strobel, P.
  • Trober, W.
  • Wilke & Piehler

Twisting and braiding

  • Max Hermann


  • Schubert, W. jr.

Leather industry

  • Albert, Herrmann
  • Falk & Bauer
  • Heckel & Son
  • Kahnes, F.

Iron foundry and enamelling factory

  • Max Damisch


  • Dietfried Köhler: The historical-geographical development of the industry of the Greiz district - with special consideration of the development of the city of Greiz. Inaugural dissertation: Greiz, 1968. Greiz City and District Library
  • The history of the Greiz textile industry: flowering and decay - developed by Günter Kanis, Ursula Frosch and Monika Bucksch. Greiz 1992/93, published in 3 issues of the "Heimatbote" 1994/1995
  • District of Greiz (publisher District Office District of Greiz): Villas, townhouses and commercial buildings in the district of Greiz, Tischendorf printing company, Greiz, 2011

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. soldiers of fortune brought Greika no luck.