Infernal War

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Infernal War
General information
origin Częstochowa , Poland
Genre (s) Black metal
founding 1997
Current occupation
Mr. Warcrimer
Electric guitar
former members

Infernal War is a black metal band from Częstochowa founded in 1997 .


Infernal War was founded in 1997 in the Polish city ​​of Częstochowa by Triumphator and Stormblast. After several line-up changes, the group consists of singer Mr. Warcrimer, the two guitarists Zyklon and Triumphator , as well as bassist Godcrusher and drummer Stormblast. It was three years before the band released their first demo.

With the demo EP Infernal SS , released in 2002, with titles such as Jewhammer , Genocide Command and Czarne Legiony SS , the band received a lot of negative attention.

Several full studio albums have been released on the Polish metal label Agonia Records . Axiom was produced by M. , who is also active in the bands Mgła and Kriegsmaschine . In December 2015, the band played two concerts in the United States . In 2017 the group played at the Inferno Festival ; The band played at Beyond the Gates in Norway last year . For May 2018 it was planned that Infernal War would do a European tour in support of Marduk . Shortly before the start of the concerts in the United Kingdom , these were canceled by the respective organizers after the supposed political ideology of the band became known. The operators of the Globe in Cardiff apologized shortly afterwards and wrote in a statement that for a long time nothing had been known about the political position. It only became known shortly after their appearance.


The musicians refer to Infernal War as an apolitical band and describe the group as an essence of pure inhuman terror and a soundtrack of genocide . Accordingly, the musicians involved in the band refuse to be classified as National Socialist Black Metal . The musicians made this clear in several interviews and on their no longer active homepage.

"Infernal War is the audial essence of pure inhuman terror, a soundtrack to genocide. The band stands for the extermination of weak and ignorant human masses, being neither a political band nor a NSBM band. Infernal War supports wars, genocides, murders and the total death of this beautiful modern world ... Hail Satan! "

- Statement on the band's inactive website

“Infernal War is the auditory essence of pure inhuman terror, a soundtrack for the genocide. The band stands for the eradication of the weak and the ignorant human mass, is neither a political nor an NSBM band. Infernal War advocates wars, genocides, murders and the total annihilation of this beautiful modern world ... Heil Satan! "

- free translation

However, the facts that the drummer Stormblast is active in the right-wing extremist bands Honor and Thunderbolt and that the band used pictures from the Second World War and older songs by the group Hitler's Schutzstaffel for several record covers , solidified the criticism of the band. Furthermore, Mr. Warcrimer describes the Holocaust as "nothing more than a legend." Infernal War, who at the beginning still had the abbreviation " SS " in their name, abandoned this because it would better reflect their ideology. The controversy over the name also caused the abbreviation to be removed, since, according to Mr. Warcrimer, "white Social Justice Warriors try to see a Nazi in everything and everyone , even in their own ranks."

Mr. Warcrimer replied that the songs described the destruction of Christianity . He does not think that it is politics to sing about what he says is a Judeo-Christian genocide and the destruction of today's (from his point of view) degenerate and multicultural world. Mr. Warcrimer also believes that the values ​​of today's society deserve the gas chamber . The first official band shirt was labeled Pure Elite Aryan Terror .

In 2014 the group was part of the third neo-Nazi Hot Shower Festival in the province of Milan in Italy , organized by the German neo-Nazi Hendrik Möbus .

Pencil Steiner , a guest author at Metal Recusants , is suspicious of Mr. Warcrimer's statements regarding his ideological attitude, whereby he mentions that some Black Metal bands want to provoke their environment with the language, symbols and gestures of National Socialism . As well-known examples, he cited the late Jeff Hanneman and his attitude towards the Second World War, as well as the guitar manufacturer ESP Guitars , which has SS skulls and runes depicted on some of his guitar models .


Infernal War's music is comparable to groups like Marduk , Slayer , Angel Corpse , Destruction and Morbid Angel .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lords of the Nightrealm : Interview: Infernal War
  2. Steve Tovey: Ghost Cult Mag : Infernal War - Axiom Critique
  3. a b c Frank Stöver: Voices from the Dark Side : Infernal War - Redesekration - The Gospel Of Hatred And Apotheosis Of Genocide Critique
  4. Ghost Cult Mag : Infernal War Finishing New Album
  5. Keefy: Ghost Cult Mag : Infernal War Streaming “Transfigure”
  6. a b Arto Lehtinen: : INFERNAL WAR - Mr. Warcrimer
  7. Keefy: Ghost Cult Mag : Inferno Metal Festival Loses Madder Mortem, Adds Sarkom And Slegest
  8. Keefy: Ghost Cult Mag : Venom Inc, Deströyer 666, Gaahl, Black Anvil, Gehennah To Play Beyond The Gates Fest This Weekend
  9. Moritz Grütz: : Marduk announce European tour
  10. BBC : Cardiff venue apologises for 'neo-Nazi' Infernal War gig
  11. a b c Andrew Trendell: New Musical Express : Cardiff venue apologizes after booking ribbon accused of being neo-Nazis
  12. Web archive : THE OFFICIAL INFERNAL WAR WEBSITE ( Memento from August 20, 2015 in the web archive )
  13. a b Fight Fascism : infernal war / infernal ss (polen) - band description (German / English)
  14. a b Martwy Zmierzch : Interview Infernal War ( Memento from July 10, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  15. Baron Sorgoth : Interview Infernal War
  16. ^ William Kampen: Lords of Metal ezine : Infernal War
  17. ^ Infernal Fields : Interview Infernal War
  18. Fight Fascism : third "hot shower" ns black metal concert in italy
  19. Antifascist information sheet : Berlin far right : "Satansmörder" as a neo-Nazi networker
  20. Research and Action : The Berlin Black Metal Nazi Network
  21. ^ Pencil Steiner: Metal Recusants : Can You Separate Music and Ideology? Or How to Be Polish and Support White Supremacy.