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Yngvi-Freyr builds the Temple of Old Uppsala , by Hugo Hamilton (1830)

Yngvi (also Ingwë or Ingwio ) is the name of the most important deity of the Germanic tribe of the Ingaevones . He is often seen as an epithet for the Germanic god Freyr the Vanen .


The name of the tribe is found in Tacitus , but Ingwio and Freyr appear first in the 10th chapter of Ynglinga saga , where he is supposed to be the ancestor of the Swedish kings, under the name Yngvi, and in the 11th chapter, he is considered the father Fjölnirs called and is called Yngvi-Freyr. Etymologically, the name of the Germanic tribe Ingaevonen is related to it.

The old English rune poem documents a god Ing in eastern Denmark who disappeared eastward on a wave and his chariot follows him. Ingwio shares this chariot with the god of growth Freyr , which is also mentioned as another reason that both are identical. And the earth mother Nerthus , who mythologically is supposed to be Freyr's mother, is also connected to a chariot.


See also Freyr and the parallels mentioned there.

Presumably he was as Ingwaz (also the name of a rune meaning "fire") the son of Mannus . Further delimitations from Freyr are rare.

The so-called Old English rune poem names an Ing's chariot:

Ing wæs ærest mid Eástdenum
gesewen secgum, oð he síððan eást
ofer wæg gewát. wæn æfter ran.
þus Heardingas þone hæle nemdon.
Ing was first among the Eastern Danes
seen until he moved east
across the sea. His car followed him.
This is what the Herdingers called their hero.


Jacob Grimm held Ing (as "Yngvi") for the Scandinavian tribal god, who is also known as the progenitor of the noble house of the Swedish Ynglingers .


The name Ingo (female form Inge , Inga ) , which is particularly widespread in northern Germany, is derived from the name , furthermore Ingi , Ingolf ("Wolf des Ing"), Ingrid ("Beauty from Ing"), Ingvar ("protected by Ing") and as a derivation the Russian name Igor , the Swedish name Ingmar ("Glory of Ing") and the saint's name St. Ingbert ("Ings brilliance") and the city in Saarland named after him .

The name Ingway is also derived from Ingwë. Ingway is related to the 22nd rune from the common Germanic runes, the Ingwaz rune. This stands for inner fire and productivity. Thus, the meaning of the name Ingway is "Way of Ing" or "Way of Fire".
