Inner coastal mountains

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As the Interior coastal mountains ( Engl. Inner Coast Ranges ), the mountain ranges along the Pacific coast of the US state of California referred to a subsystem of the California coastal mountains represent. They run from Santa Barbara County in the south to the Klamath Mountains in the north, not far from the Oregon border .

The term Inner is a reference to the great distance of the mountain range, which thus further located further east and inland, in contrast to the exterior of coastal mountains (Engl. Outer Coast Ranges ), the other subsystem of the California coastal mountains, the closer the Pacific coast is located.

Location and names

Like the California Coast Ranges through the San Francisco Bay in the Northern coastal mountains (Engl. Northern Coast Ranges ) and the Southern coastal mountains (Engl. Southern Coast Ranges ) is divided, there is consequently a division of Inner coastal mountain range in Northern Inner Coast Ranges (English . Northern Inner coast Ranges ) and Southern Interior coastal mountains (engl. Southern Inner coast Ranges ). While the North Inner Coast Mountains form the eastern and inland section of the North Coast Mountains, which extends roughly from North Bay , the northern section of the San Francisco Bay Area , to the Klamath Mountains, the South Inner Coast Mountains form the east and inland sections Section of the Southern Coast Mountains. This runs roughly from the East Bay , the eastern section of the San Francisco Bay Area, through the north, center and south of California to Santa Barbara County.

The Northern Inner Coastal Mountains include the following mountain ranges:

The southern inner coastal range includes the following mountain ranges:


Ecosystems or vegetation types inside coastal mountain are the California oak savannah (engl. California Oak Woodland ), chaparral , oak savannah (engl. Oak Savanna ) and prairie (engl. Grassland ). The oak species that dominate here include the California live oak , the blue oak and the California black oak .

The flora of the Northern Inner Coast Mountains was described early by Willis Linn Jepson , who was also one of the first to describe the flora on California's Pacific coast. He also noted the presence of the yellow pine and the sugar pine ; Quercus chrysolepis also occurs in large numbers.

The flora of the South Inner Coastal Mountains includes:
