Institute for Integrated Production Hanover

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Institute for Integrated Production Hanover

legal form profit company
founding 1988
Seat Marienwerder Science Park ( Hanover )
Number of employees 69 (as of December 31, 2010)

IPH building

The IPH - Institute for Integrated Production Hannover gGmbH (also IPH Hannover) is a research and consulting service provider for production technology based in the Marienwerder Science Park in Hanover. The institute was founded in 1988 as a spin-off from Leibniz University Hannover by Hans Kurt Tönshoff , Eckart Doege and Hans-Peter Wiendahl .


The IPH is organized in the three areas of logistics , production automation and process technology . Interdisciplinary topics (e.g. XXL products ) are dealt with across departments. The institute is run by three managing partners and a coordinating managing director. As a non-profit company, the institute is financed through public research funding and industrial consulting. The IPH is also a member of the Deutsche Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft Konrad Zuse .

Managing partners

  • Bernd-Arno Behrens (Head of the Institute for Forming Technology and Forming Machines at Leibniz University Hannover)
  • Peter Nyhuis (Head of the Institute for Factory Systems and Logistics at Leibniz University Hannover)
  • Ludger Overmeyer (Head of the Institute for Transport and Automation Technology at Leibniz University Hannover)

Coordinating managing director

  • Painted Stonis

Focus of work

Research and development, advice and qualification are the three main focuses of the IPH. The aim of the institute is to connect production engineering science and manufacturing companies. This is intended to enable knowledge transfer between science and industry.

The IPH deals with different areas of production technology :

Process technology

In the field of process technology, the IPH has been involved in the Collaborative Research Center 489 (SFB 489) since 2000 . This is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and deals with the "process chain for the manufacture of precision-forged high-performance components". The term precision forging is used in two ways: On the one hand, it means burr-free forging. Alternatively, forging (with burrs) is used when the forged parts achieve an accuracy of IT 7 to IT 9. Current developments show the possibility of flashless forging of complicated components, e.g. B. crankshafts . Suitable preforming processes are required for burr-free forging of the crankshafts. At the IPH, multi-directional forging and cross wedge rolling are particularly considered.

Cross wedge rolling is also the subject of research when designing a process chain for warm forging. Together with forging rolling, the influence of temperature on the process and component quality is examined. Another aspect in the process chain is the wear and tear of the forging tools. Attempts are made here to reduce wear with DLC coatings.

In the area of hydroforming , the IPH examines materials and material combinations. One example is the hydroforming of titanium . In the future, the forming of so-called "tailored hybrid tubes" (material combinations of steel and aluminum) will be researched.

Hybrid forging is a new type of forming process that is being developed at the IPH . It combines the forming and joining of solid and sheet metal elements in a single process.

Another development of the IPH is a module for fully automated stud welding with tip ignition for integration in sheet metal forming tools. In the field of sheet metal forming, research is also being carried out to increase the effectiveness of sheet metal forming systems.

Production automation

Industry 4.0 and digitization are two special research focuses in the context of production automation .

In the field of production automation, the IPH deals with processes of artificial intelligence , distributed systems and the use of wireless communication in production. Particular attention is paid to the development of technologies and models for the smart factory and their implementation in companies.

In addition to the Production Technology Center (PZH) at Leibniz Universität Hannover, the IPH is behind the Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center Hannover and the “Mit uns digital” initiative, the aim of which is to support SMEs with Industry 4.0 and AI topics.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the IPH has been researching the use of artificial intelligence processes in production technology. One focus of the work is the performance and cost-effectiveness-oriented planning of linked assembly systems with data mining . More recent research deals with the positioning of cooling channels in injection molding tools , the design of preform geometries for forging processes and the self-control of automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

Distributed systems are also a subject of research at the IPH. One example is the electronic tool book that was developed as part of a BMBF- funded research project. The result of a DFG project is an intelligent cut-off tool. The distributed system consists of piezo sensors for recording the tool vibrations, a measuring system for signal processing and amplification and a radio module for transmitting the signal to a measuring computer.

In the area of ​​wireless communication, the IPH is investigating the use of various wireless communication technologies. The use of printed antennas with RFID chips on pharmaceutical packaging to protect against product counterfeiting was the subject of the EZ Pharm research project. The ZigBee technology enables data to be transferred from an abrasive cutting blade during the machining process. In more recent research work, the IPH deals with optical communication . Based on visible light, a position determination system for industrial trucks and an identification method for logistic applications are being developed.


The focus of research in the field of logistics is the design and control of economically and ecologically efficient production networks . An example of research into production networks is the project "Synchronization of the logistical responsiveness" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In the project, a simulation study was used to demonstrate that structure-related interactions within production networks have a strong influence on the dynamic behavior and thus the logistical achievement of goals.

A method for economic and organizational planning and evaluation of adaptability in supply chains is being developed in the BMBF joint project ISI-WALK. You should z. B. enable the determination of the correct conversion time.

The IPH deals with in-house production logistics in various research projects . In the Collaborative Research Center 489 (SFB 489), a method was developed to the state amount to take account of Massivumformwerkzeugen in the lot size determination for forgings. This avoids unnecessary set-up processes and additional capital tie- up costs in forging companies.

One development of the IPH that was implemented in everyday operations is the key figure system for procurement , production and distribution , which was developed in the BMBF project “LogiBEST - Logistics Benchmarking for Production Companies ”. The VDI guideline 4400 was developed on the basis of this key figure system.

Another research focus is factory planning. The methods of efficient planning and design of factories are supported in order to guarantee the optimal flow of materials and production within a factory from a production-technical and economic point of view and to optimally design the inbound and outbound logistics. Among other things, the IPH dealt with the development of software for integrated factory and means of transport planning as well as the use of drones for automatic 3D recording of the factory layout.

Additive manufacturing

In addition to the Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH), the Deutsche Messe Technology Academy GmbH (DMTAC) and the LZH Laser Akademie GmbH, the IPH is one of the founding members of the Center for Additive Manufacturing ("Niedersachsen ADDITIV"). The purpose of the initiative is to research additive manufacturing processes, to enable medium-sized companies to use the new technologies and to do network work for the technology-specific exchange of information. Demonstration, dialogue and training measures for specialists and executives are offered and industry and network meetings are organized. As part of "Lower Saxony ADDITIV", the IPH deals with research questions on the integration of additive manufacturing processes in industrial process chains.

Web links

Individual evidence

  3. E. Doege, B.-A. Behrens: Handbook of Forming Technology - Basics, Technologies, Machines. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2007.
  4. ^ S. Witt, P. Gutmann: Precision forging in transition. In: Forming technology - innovations from industry and science. 20th Forming Colloquium. Garbsen 2011, pp. 19-34.
  5. S. Müller, M. Stonis: Flashless precision forging of crankshafts. In: 3rd Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV 2009), October 5th – 7th 2009, Munich, Germany. Pp. 578-587.
  6. H. Kache, R. Nickel, B.-A. Behrens: Development of Variable Warm Forging Process Chain. In: steel research international, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metal Forming, Toyohashi, Japan, September 19th – 22nd 2010. Verlag Stahleisen, pp. 346-349.
  7. D. Gruß, R. Nickel, B.-A. Behrens: Integration and Control of Arc Stud Welding in Sheet Metal Tools. In: steel research international, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metal Forming, Toyohashi, Japan, September 19th – 22nd 2010. Verlag Stahleisen, pp. 1152–1155.
  8. B.-A. Behrens, J. Kerkeling, K. Müller, C. Buse, T. Vieregge, G. Wrobel, M. Pleßow: The key figure system increases the effectiveness in sheet metal forming. In: MM Maschinenmarkt - The industrial magazine. Vogel Business Media, no. Year, 2010, H. 40, pp. 34-37.
  9. L. Overmeyer, J. Dreyer, D. Altmann: Data mining based configuration of cyclically interlinked production systems. In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Volume 59, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 493-496. doi: 10.1016 / j.cirp.2010.03.081 , April 20, 2010.
  10. HK Tönshoff, S. Reinsch, J. Dreyer: Soft-computing algorithms as a tool for the planning of cyclically interlinked production lines. In: WGP: Production Engineering. Springer Verlag, Volume 14, Issue 4, 2007, pp. 389-394.
  11. HK Tönshoff, M. Manns, K. Spardel: CANFIS based Material Flow Forecast for Assembly Lines. In: WGP Annals "Production Engineering". Vol X / 2, 2003.
  12. ^ P. Faßnacht, J. Kerkeling, R. Nickel: Artificially intelligent instead of manual. In: Plastverarbeiter. Hüthing, vol. 62, H. 3, 2011, pp. 72-73.
  13. ^ P. Faßnacht, M. Meyer, R. Nickel, L. Overmeyer: Algorithmische Vorformoptimierung - Use of evolutionary algorithms for the design of sequence of stages for die forging. In: ZWF - magazine for economical factory operation. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Volume 104, Issue 9, 2009, pp. 768-774.
  14. M. Astitouh, L. Overmeyer, Tönshoff, HK: Monitoring system for an abrasive cutting process. In: dihw - Diamant high-performance tools. o. Vol., H. 2, 2011, pp. 36-43.
  15. B. Eilert: Electronic authenticity certificate protects pharmaceutical products. In: M. Abramovici, L. Overmeyer, B. Wirnitzer (Hrsg.): Labeling technologies for effective protection against product piracy. Volume 2: Innovations against product piracy. VDMA-Verlag, Frankfurt 2010.
  17. a b
  18. A. Selaouti, J. Knigge, R. Nickel: Simulative study of cause-effect interdependencies in tool logistics. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Engineers Network-CPS, New York 2010.
  19. H. Luczak, J. Weber, H.-P. Wiendahl: Logistik-Bechmarking, practical guide with LogiBEST. 2 .; completely revised edition. Springer, Berlin et al. 2004.
  20. NN: Logistics key figures for production. VDI guideline 4400, Beuth Verlag, Berlin 2004.
  21. About us - Find out more! Retrieved November 15, 2017 .

Coordinates: 52 ° 24 '54.3 "  N , 9 ° 37' 59.1"  E