Internet band

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An internet band , or online band , is a music group whose members communicate and work together over the internet . Usually a content management system and a digital audio workstation are used. Every now and then the work is published under the Creative Commons license so that other musicians can work with the pieces as well.



In March 1996, Nora Farrell and composer William Duckworth began developing Cathedral, one of the world's first interactive musical and artistic sites. Their goal was to build a website with web-based musical instruments so that everyone would be able to play an instrument. In 1997 this site went online. The first version allowed streaming of audio, video, animations, images and texts.

According to the developers at Cathedral, the site should:

  • building an imaginative, ongoing artistic experience that builds a community
  • the blurring of a distinction that separates composers, artists and audiences
  • the offer for every listener to design their own musical piece

In 2003, Cathedral consisted of three main characteristics:

  • A website that contains a wide variety of musical and artistic works
  • Virtual instruments that should enable everyone to create their own music
  • an internet band that regularly performs on Cathedral and encourages website visitors to make music together on the internet.

Current situation

Social networks on the Internet have gained massive popularity in recent years, and Internet users have learned that some aspects of society run on the Internet. The music industry has also gone through this change. Users use sites like iTunes , YouTube and Myspace to exchange music and to communicate with each other. Bands and music labels use websites and sometimes file sharing to bring their works to the people. Musicians who use the internet can even start bands online.

Internet bands gained notoriety in the early 2000s when the musical technology, file sharing, and software that made Internet collaboration easier were widespread. While the amount of collaboration between bands varies, an internet band identifies itself as a band whose members work together on music on the internet .

A steadily growing number of websites offer Internet users the opportunity to compose pieces of music online. They combine social networking with music mixing and uploading technologies. The users decide for themselves which projects they want to participate in and the extent to which they are involved.


One of the benefits of joining an internet band is the ability to collaborate with other musicians , sound engineers , music producers , etc. from around the world using the internet. In addition, the fact that the majority of internet bands do not perform or record music in real time is another benefit . an advantage for an internet band as it allows musicians to work on the music at their own pace.

Education through online collaboration

Online collaboration on such platforms not only offers musicians an advantage, teachers and students also benefit from the concept. There are platforms that offer an alternative to classical music lessons, whereby the learning effect on a higher level is questionable.

In 2007, while he was a professor at Boston University, musicologist David G. Hebert published research that highlights the key tasks of the online music course:

  • Prejudice against the legitimacy of online degrees
  • Coordination between the teaching distance and the music departments
  • the pressure to get maximum profit at the expense of quality of learning
  • management for additional music teachers
  • the management of student behavior

Examples of internet bands

  • the first internet band in the true sense of the word are the ClipBandits whose members have worked together without ever meeting. ABC World News and Good Morning, America reported on the group. The musicians first met on the Tyra Banks Show and played their very first gig there.
  • Infant Annihilator , a death metal band whose instrumentalists live in Kingston upon Hull while their singer is from Florida . The original singer lives in Indiana and recorded music with the two Brits without meeting them first.
  • Shadow of Intent , a deathcore band. Was founded as an internet band in 2014 and now plays live concerts on an international level.
  • Slice the Cake , a multinational metal music project whose musicians live in Australia , Sweden and the UK . The project lasted from 2009 to 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Cristen Conger: What is a virtual band?, July 2, 2008, accessed April 8, 2020 .
  2. ^ William Duckworth: Perceptual and Structural Implications of "Virtual" Music on the Web . In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Ed.): 999 . No. 1 , November 1, 2003, ISSN  1749-6632 , p. 254–262 , doi : 10.1196 / annals.1284.036 (English).
  3. ^ David G. Hebert: Five Challenges and Solutions in Online Music Teacher Education . In: Research and Issues in Music Education . September 2007 (English, [PDF; accessed April 8, 2020]).
  4. ^ Lore Sjoberg, "The ClipBandits - Internet Band," Wired , October 17, 2006.
  5. ClipBandits - The World's First Internet Band - Created by Nick Matzorkis .
  6. Alex Lee: Infant Annihilator - The Palpable Leprosy ... (2012) . 2012.
  7. Micah: Pigsqueals and Breakdowns : Live Interview With Shadow Of Intent