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Iodama ( Greek  Ἰοδάμα ), daughter of Itonos , is a figure in Greek mythology .

Originally, Iodama was a local goddess worshiped in Koroneia , displaced by Athena . According to the Boeotian legend, she was a priestess in the temple of Athena Itonia. One night when she was going into the holy precinct, Athena appeared to her with the head of Medusa in her hands, whereupon the priestess turned to stone. Since then she has had an altar in a temple near Koroneia. A flame always burned there, and a woman recited three times a day that “Iodama live and ask fire”.

The fact that Iodama was originally a local goddess is also indicated by the information given in the 3rd century BC. Greek historian Lycus of Rhegion , who lived in BC , said she had become the mother of Thebe by Zeus , after whose husband Ogygos Thebes is said to have been named Ogygia . In this version of the saga, Iodama was made Sister Athenas, with whom she got into an argument out of jealousy during weapon exercises, whereupon the sister Iodama killed.



  1. Hans von Geisau : Iodama. In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 2, Stuttgart 1967, column 1428.
  2. ^ Pausanias , Journeys in Greece 9, 34, 1f.
  3. Lycus of Rhegion near Tzetzes , Scholien zu Lykophrons Alexandra 1206.
  4. ^ Tzetzes, Scholien zu Lykophrons Alexandra 355.