Ion Druță

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Ion Druță, late 80s (Photo: Ion Chibzii )

Ion Druță , also Ion Pantelejewitsch Druze (born September 3, 1928 in Horodişte, Rajon Donduşeni , Bessarabia (now Republic of Moldova )), is a Moldovan writer and dramaturge .

Live and act

Ion Druță's parents were farmers in Horodişte, which is predominantly inhabited by Moldovans . The village in the far north of the country is 21 kilometers from the district town of Donduşeni and 171 kilometers from the capital Kischenau .

Ion Druță graduated from the local forest ranger school and worked in the village administration as a secretary. 1945–1956 he was a member of the Moldovan Komsomol and served in the military from 1947–1951 .

Ion Druță has published since 1950. In 1957 he graduated from the Moscow Maxim Gorky Literature Institute . Initially Ion Druță wrote in Moldovan , but from 1960 also in Russian . He became known throughout Russia in 1957 with his first novel, Blätter der Sehnsucht , which was translated into Russian , and also Georg, the widow's son . After the publication of The Burden of Our Kindness ( Povara bunătății noastre ), Iwan Bodjul, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova, put political pressure on the author. Ion Druță avoided this by moving to Moscow in 1968.

In 1987 Ion Druță was unanimously elected Honorary President of the Moldovan Writers' Union. After the collapse of the Soviet Union , he left Moscow and went to his Moldovan homeland. In 1998 he withdrew from the Moldovan Writers' Union. Ion Druță is a member of the Romanian Academy and the Moldovan Academy of Sciences . He is one of the presidents of the Paulists .

Ion Druță is married to Era Samuilowna Rossina (* 1929), the daughter of Samuil Israilewitsch Rossin. Both children are twin sisters Olga (lives in Israel ) and Tatjana († 2011), born in 1958 .

Work (selection)

Romanian editions

  • 1954 Poveste de dragoste - love story
  • 1957 Frunze de dor - leaves of longing. novel
  • 1959 Dor de oameni - longing for people
  • 1959 Casa mare - The big house. Drama in three acts
  • 1963 Balade din cîmpie - ballads from the heath
  • 1964 Beeps la beeps - chest to chest
  • 1966 Ultima lună de toamnă - The last month of autumn
  • 1968 Povara bunătății noastre - The burden of our goodness
  • 1969 Întoarcerea ţărînei în pămînt - The return of dust to the earth
  • 1969 Pădureanca - The Forester
  • 1971 Păsările tinereţii noastre - The birds of our youth. Drama in two parts
  • 1972 Clopotniţa - The bell tower. novel
  • 1975 Horodişte
  • 1975 Biserica albă - The white church
  • 1977 Cervus divinus - The divine stag
  • 1977 Sfînta sfintelor - Oracle
  • 1979 Doina - drama in three acts
  • 1981 Tot ce on mai sfânt - All that I sanctify
  • 1984 Toiagul păstoriei - The sheep farm staff
  • 2001 Harul Domnului. Epopee teatrală - God's grace
  • 2003 Pomul de la rascruce. - Tree at the crossroads
  • 2005 Ujin u tovarişcea Stalin - Dramatic Epic
  • 2008 Druţiana teatrală
  • 2008 Maria Cantemir, ultima dragoste a lui Petru cel Mare. Epopee istorică în unsprezece tablouri, cu epilog - Maria Cantemir, Peter the Great's last love. drama
  • 1957 La umbra cuvântului - In the shadow of the word
  • 1959 Lumea lui Cehov - Chekhov's world
  • 1979 Eminescu, poet national - Eminescu , the national poet
  • 1989 Cine a stins lumina? - Who put out the light?
  • 2011 Îngerul supraviețuirii. Mărturii și spovedanii - The angel of survival. Evidence and confessions
  • 2012 Lupaniada. Înălțarea și prăbușirea unei epoci - the rise and fall of an era

Russian editions

  • The last month of autumn
  • Bread, love and bravery
  • Contemplation in the self
  • Short green leaf century
  • The smell of ripe quince
  • The Shepherd's Solitude
  • Evening bells. Dinner with Comrade Stalin

German-language editions

  • Ion Druze
    • When the rooster crows. Translated from the Moldavian by Leo Hornung. Publishing house culture and progress (The colorful series, vol. 38), Berlin 1966
    • And returned to the place where he began. Dramatic ballad. Translator: Barbara Conrad, Drei Masken Verlag, Munich 1979
  • Ion Druță
    • 1968 The burden of our goodness. Novel . Translation from Russian by Harry Burck based on the Moldovan original edition. Epilogue: Herbert Krempien . People and World, Berlin 1971
    • Holy of Holies. Drama in two acts. Translated from the Russian by Gerhard Neubauer. Henschelverlag Art and Society (Henschel-Schauspiel), Berlin 1978
    • The white church. Historical novel. Translated from the Russian by Harry Burck. Book Club 65 (Licensor: Volk und Welt), Berlin 1984
    • The Samaritan woman. Publishing house Ost-West-Dialog, Giessen / Königstein


Web links

Commons : Ion Druță  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Ion Druze entry in the Kopelew forum
  • August 4, 1983, Moscow: Autograph in the Kopelew Forum
  • 2015, Ecaterina Niculcea: Ion Druță - writer between homeland and party bureaucracy. An escape to Moscow

Individual evidence

  1. romanian. Horodişte, Donduşeni
  2. Russian Листья грусти - Listja grusti
  3. Russian Георге, вдовий сын - George, wdowi syn
  4. Russian Бодюл, Иван Иванович
  5. romanian. Uniunea Scriitorilor din Republica Moldova
  6. russ. Общества Св. Апостола Павла («Дома Апостола Павла»)
  7. Russian Эра Самуиловна Росина
  8. Russian Росин, Самуил Израилевич
  9. romanian. Frunze de dor
  10. romanian. The burden of our goodness
  11. romanian. Ultima lună de toamna
  12. Russian Хлеб любовь и мужество
  13. Russian Возвращение на круги своя
  14. Russian Недолгий век зелёного листа
  15. romanian. Mirosul gutuiei capte
  16. Russian Одиночество пастыря
  17. Russian Вечерний звон. Ужин у товарища Сталина
  18. romanian. The burden of our goodness
  19. Russian Order of the Republic (Moldova)