Iphitus (son of Naubolos)

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Iphitos ( Greek  Ἴφιτος ) is in Greek mythology a son of Naubolos , the ruler of Phocis and Tanagra , and Perineike , the daughter of Hippomachus. He was one of the Argonauts , welcomed Jason hospitably when he traveled to the Oracle of Delphi to question him about the Golden Fleece , and then joined the Argonauts. With his wife Hippolyte he fathered Schedios and Epistrophos , who later led the Phocians before Troy , as well as Eurynome , the wife of Talaos .


Individual evidence

  1. Orphic Argonautica 144. According to Hyginus , Fabulae 14 Hippasus from the Peloponnese could also have been his father.
  2. Scholion to Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautika 1.207.
  3. Apollonios of Rhodes, Argonautika 1,207ff.
  4. Homer , Iliad 2,518 and 17, 306.
  5. Hyginus, Fabulae 70.