Ipi (head of the gate guard)

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Ipi in hieroglyphics
i p i A1


Ipi was a senior ancient Egyptian official with the title " Head of the Gate Guard ". He probably served under Amenemhet II.

supporting documents

Ipi is certainly known from two properties. He appears on a stele from Abydos and he erected a statue in the sanctuary of Heqaib on Elephantine . On these monuments, in addition to his official title, he bears other titles such as “ Member of the elite ”, “Foremost of action” or Royal sealer . He reports that the affairs of the two countries have been reported to him and that he was of great standing among the dignitaries . Of his family only the name of his mother Tjeti is known.

His grave

Ipi had his grave in el-Lisht . It consisted of a two-room chapel that stood in a walled area. The burial chamber was found at the end of an approx. 18 m deep shaft. The chapel and especially its decoration were already badly damaged. There were relief fragments of two false doors and the remains of murals that show that parts of the chapel were painted what is otherwise vacant in Lisht. The name Ipi is only partially preserved in the grave, which is why the assignment is not entirely certain.
