Irkutsk reservoir

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Irkutsk reservoir
Satellite image of the dam
Satellite image of the dam
Location: near Irkutsk , Irkutsk Oblast , Russia ( Asia )
Tributaries: Angara
Drain: Angara
Larger cities on the shore: Irkutsk
Irkutsk Reservoir (Irkutsk Oblast)
Irkutsk reservoir
Coordinates 52 ° 6 '39 "  N , 104 ° 28' 49"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 6 '39 "  N , 104 ° 28' 49"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1950-1959
Height of the barrier structure : 44 m
Building volume: 11.56 million m³
Crown length: 2 500  m
Power plant output: 660 MW
Operator: Irkutskenergo
Data on the reservoir
Storage space 45,800 million m³
Catchment area 1,487,480 km²

The Irkutsk reservoir ( Russian Иркутское водохранилище / Irkutskoje wodochranilishche ) near Irkutsk in the Russian Irkutsk Oblast ( Siberia ; Asia ) is a reservoir on the Angara .

Geographical location

The Irkutsk reservoir is located a little northwest of the southwest end of Lake Baikal , just below the outflow of the Angara from this lake . The south-westerly foothills of the Baikal Mountains stretch north-east of the reservoir, while the eastern foothills of the Eastern Sayan rise to the west . Its shut-off structure and power plant are located on the south-eastern edge of the urban area of Irkutsk .

Dam, reservoir and power plant

The barrier structure consists of a 44 m high earth embankment combined with an integrated gravity dam . The hydropower plant integrated into the wall , which was part of the planned development of the Angara - Yenisei region, was built from 1950 to 1959 and has an output of 660  MW .

Due to the approximately 2.5 km long dam of the Irkutsk reservoir, which has a storage volume of around 4.6 billion  , the Angara accumulates a maximum height of around 28 m and the river backs up almost 60 km to just before Lake Baikal - without this To influence the water level. According to other sources, Lake Baikal is dammed by 1.4 m or even 6 m by the dam. The storage volume including the additionally dammed Lake Baikal amounts to 45.8 billion m³.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Construction History of Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station
  2. Hydrological conditions at Lake Baikal (PDF; 100 kB)
  3. ^ International Space Station Imagery

Web links

Commons : Irkutsk hydroelectric power plant  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files