Isaac Babbitt

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Isaac Babbitt (born July 26, 1799 in Taunton , Massachusetts , † May 26, 1862 in Somerville , Massachusetts) was an American goldsmith .


In 1824, Babbitt made the first Britannia metal to compete with imports. In 1834 he went to Boston and became operations manager of the South Boston Iron Company . There he manufactured the first brass cannon in the USA. In 1839, Babbitt invented the bearing metal known as Babbitt metal . The US Congress awarded him $ 20,000 for this invention . The invention was patented in the United States in 1839, the United Kingdom in 1844, and Russia in 1847 . Babbitt went into business for himself and produced his babbit metal and soap .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Encyclopaedia Britannica: Isaac Babbitt (accessed March 23, 2017).
  2. Brockhaus-Efron : Баббит.
  3. Hellemans, Alexander; Bunch, Bryan: The Timetables of Science . Simon Schuster, 1988, ISBN 0-671-62130-0 , p. 305 .