Isaac Jeitteles

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Isaac Jeitteles , later Julius Seidlitz , (born September 3, 1814 in Prague , Austrian Empire ; died March 8, 1857 in Vienna ) was an Austrian journalist and writer.


Jeitteles did a commercial apprenticeship and also worked in this branch for some time. As early as 1837 he published his iterary oeuvre under the name Julius Seidlitz . In order to get married, he converted to Christianity shortly before his death; his widow married August Silberstein a few years later .

As one of Austria's censorship refugees, Jeitteles lived in Saxony, then in Hungary, always working as a journalist, later in Vienna, where after 1848 he edited the press , founded the suburban newspaper and soon afterwards the weekly Feierstunden , both of which became very popular. Jeitteles achieved his greatest success in 1837 with his work Die Poesie und die Poeten in Österreich .

Works (selection)

  • Novellas . Leipzig 1842.
  • The poetry and the poets in Austria . Grimma 1837 (2 vol.).
  • Bohemia 400 years ago. Novel . 1837 (3 vol.).
  • The astrologer. Novel . 1839.
  • The last adepts. Novel . 1855 (4 vols.).
  • Doctor Night. Folk piece .
