Iulius Valentinus

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Iulius Valentinus († 70 AD) was a distinguished Treverian who played an important role in the Batavian revolt against Roman rule in Gaul and Lower Germany .

After Vespasian had asserted himself as Roman ruler in the year of the Four Emperors , his generals were supposed to suppress the Germanic-Gallic uprising of Julius Civilis . When Quintus Petilius Cerialis, who was entrusted with command of Germania inferior, came up with a strong force from Italy, the Remer called for peace and tried to influence the other Gallic tribes in this way. Above all, the young Iulius Valentinus advocated the continuation of the struggle against Rome among his tribe and managed to get the majority of Treveri to agree with this opinion.

Soon afterwards, the Treverian leader Iulius Tutor suffered a defeat at the mouth of the Nahe against Sextilius Felix . This military defeat caused great consternation among the Treverians. However, Tutor and Valentinus managed to regroup the Treveri Wehrmacht. In order to make an understanding with the Romans impossible, they had the legionaries Herennius Gallus and Numisius Rufus killed, although their compatriot Iulius Classicus and Iulius Civilis advised against it. Petilius Cerialis, who had meanwhile arrived in Mogontiacum (today Mainz ), marched from this city with his army in forced marches against the capital of the Treverians, Augusta Treverorum (today Trier ). To cover Augusta Treverorum near Rigodulum (today Riol ) on the slope of the right bank of the Moselle, Valentinus had taken up a position reinforced by fortifications, which the Romans conquered. Valentinus and other nobles were taken prisoner by the cavalry assigned to bypass the position. In 2016 archaeologists reported that they had discovered the site of the fighting between Valentinus and the Romans; Coins, slingshot leads and lance tips were found.

After the lost battle, Valentinus was brought before Domitian , who ordered his execution. Even during his violent end, he showed unbroken pride.



  1. The gentile name is mentioned by the Roman historian Tacitus only in one place ( Historien 4, 68) and there the name form Tulius is given according to the traditional text ; but because a large number of noble Gauls belonged to the Julians , this should also apply to Valentinus ( Arthur Stein : Iulius 518. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume X, 1, Stuttgart 1918, Col. 845 f.)
  2. Tacitus, Historien 4, 67-69.
  3. Tacitus, Historien 4, 70 f.
  4. ^ Celtic battle on the Moselle , on welt.de
  5. ^ Tacitus, Historien 4, 85.