Jérôme Tharaud

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Jérôme Tharaud (r.) With his brother Jean (1932)

Jérôme Tharaud (born May 18, 1874 in Saint-Junien , † January 28, 1953 in Varengeville-sur-Mer ) was a French writer who published novels and travel books with his brother Jean Tharaud .


Tharaud attended school in Angoulême and the Collège Sainte-Barbe in Paris. In 1896 he passed the entrance exam to the École normal supérieure . After his studies he worked for some time in Austria-Hungary as a language teacher at the University of Budapest . Back in France in 1901 he became Maurice Barrès' private secretary . In 1898 he and his brother Jean published their first joint literary work with Le Coltineur débile . All subsequent publications are usually published under both names. You also wrote articles for the magazine Cahiers de la Quinzaine and received 1906 forDingley, l'illustre écrivain the Prix ​​Goncourt .

Thanks to his stay in pre-war Hungary, he was called in by the French General d'Espèrey as an expert in the negotiations on the Treaty of Trianon 1920. In 1921 he wrote a book about the recent political developments in Hungary - Hungarian independence, the Aster Revolution and the Hungarian Soviet Republic - and indulged in anti-Semitic abuse even when choosing the title . Kunfi ( Die Herrschaft Israels , p. 177) and Béla Kun (p. 167) are repulsive because of their physiognomy, especially some of the Jews indulged in unnatural vices and shameful perversities (p. 181), they are unclean (p. 281) that the Jews were to blame for chauvinistic Magyarism (p. 156), they had already numerically dominated the communist council government (p. 192). Nevertheless, in 1927 the book was not a trend font for the Austrian Amalthea Verlag , which published the translation, but the translator was concerned about the anti-German passages.

The brothers made numerous trips, for example to Palestine , Iran , Morocco and Romania , and published travel reports about them that can be considered contemporary documents today. They also wrote a large number of novels and magazine articles.

After Jérôme Tharaud had failed in by-elections to the Académie in 1923 and 1932, he became a member of the Académie française on December 1, 1938 as the successor to Joseph Bédier , in which he received his 31st place , his opponent was Fernand Gregh . Jean also became a member of the Académie.


List of publications by the Tharaud brothers at the Académie française (supplemented):

  • La rein de Palmyre , 1898
  • Le Coltineur débile , 1898
  • La lumière , 1900
  • Dingley, l'illustre écrivain , 1902
  • Contes de la Vierge , 1902
  • Les Hobereaux , 1904
  • L'ami de l'ordre , 1905
  • Les frères ennemis , 1906
  • La ville et les champs (1870-1871) , 1907
  • Bar-Cochebas , 1907
  • Déroulède , 1909
  • La maîtresse servante , 1911
  • La fete arabe , 1912
  • La bataille à Scutari d'Albanie , 1913
  • La tragédie de Ravaillac , 1913
  • La mort de Déroulède. Paul Déroulède. La vie et la mort de Paul Déroulède , 1914
  • L'ombre de la croix , 1917
  • Rabat, ou les heures marocaines , 1918
  • Une relève , 1919
  • Un royaume de Dieu , 1920
  • Marrakech ou les seigneurs de l'Atlas , 1920
  • Quand Israël est roi . Paris: Plon-Nourrit et cie 1921
  • L'invitation au voyage , 1922
  • La randonnée de Samba Diouf , 1922
  • La maison de Mirabeau , 1923
  • Le Chemin de Damas , 1923
  • Un drame de l'automne , 1923
  • Au mur des pleurs , 1924
  • Un grand maître n'est plus , 1924
  • L'an prochain à Jérusalem , 1924
  • Rendez-vous espagnols , 1924
  • Monsieur France, Bergeret et Frère Léon , 1925
  • Causerie sur Israël , 1926
  • Notre cher Péguy , 1927
  • Petite histoire des Juifs , 1927
  • L'âme de Péguy. Pour les fidèles de Péguy , 1927
  • En Bretagne , 1927
  • Noël au Deux-Magots , 1927
  • La Semaine Sainte à Séville , 1927
  • La rose de Sâron , 1927
  • Mes années chez Barrès , 1928
  • La promenade de Sion-Vaudémont , 1928
  • La séduction provençale , 1928
  • La chronique des frères ennemis , 1929
  • L'Empereur, le Philosophe et l'Évêque , 1930
  • Fes ou les bourgeois de l'Islam. La nuit de Fès , 1930
  • L'oiseau d'or , 1931
  • Les bien-aimées , 1932
  • Paris-Saïgon dans l'azur , 1932
  • Histoires vraies , 1933
  • La fin des Habsbourg , 1933
  • La jument errante , 1933
  • Quand Israël n'est plus roi , 1933
  • Versailles , 1934
  • Vienne la Rouge , 1934
  • Les mille et un jours de l'Islam I: Les cavaliers d'Allah , 1935
  • Le passant d'Éthiopie , 1936
  • Cruelle Espagne , 1937
  • Alerte en Syrie , 1937
  • Les mille et un jours de l'Islam II: Les grains de la grenade , 1938
  • L'envoyé de l'Archange , 1939
  • Les contes de la Vierge , 1940
  • Les mille et un jour de l'Islam III: Le rayon vert , 1941
  • Contes de Notre-Dame , 1943
  • Il était un petit navire , 1944
  • Pour les fidèles de Barrès , 1944
  • Vers d'almanach , 1945
  • Le miracle de Théophile , 1945
  • Fumées de Paris et d'ailleurs , 1946
  • Vieille Perse et jeune Iran , 1947
  • Le chemin d'Israël , 1948
  • Les enfants perdus , 1948
  • Pour les fidèles de Péguy , 1949
  • Les mille et un jours de l'Islam IV: La chaîne d'or , 1950
  • La double confidence 1951
in German translation
  • Out of storm and hardship . Translated from d. Franz. V. Heinrich Michalski. Engelhorn, Stuttgart 1909, original title La ville et les champs (1870-1871) , 1909
  • The shadow of the cross . Translated from d. Franz. By Charlotte Grunberg. Wolff, Munich 1922, original title L'ombre de la croix , 1922
  • The rule of Israel. (Quand Israël est roi) . Transferred from Carl Zell. Almathea, Zurich 1927, original title Quand Israël est roi , 1921
  • Jacques Delamain: Why the birds sing . Single by Jérôme u. Jean Tharaud. From d. French trans. by Karl Wolfskehl . Bibliographer. Institute, Leipzig 1930, original title Pourquoi les oiseaux chantent


  • Jean Bonnerot : Jérôme et Jean Tharaud. Leur œuvre. Portrait et autograph. Document for the history of the literature of France . Paris 1927

Web links

Commons : Jérôme Tharaud  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Jérôme Tharaud , Académie française
  2. ^ Foreword by the Swiss publisher to: Die Herrschaft Israels , 1927, p. 6
  3. ^ The rule of Israel , German 1927, first 1921, passim
  4. The Rule of Israel , 1927, p. 6