József Thury

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József Thury (born December 25, 1861 in Makád , † May 22, 1906 in Szabadka ) was a Hungarian linguist and Turkologist .


József Thury came from a Reformed family . He first attended the grammar school in Kunszentmiklós and later in Budapest , where he made his Abitur. He was interested in early Hungarian history and the Turkish language . In 1880 he began studying at the University of Budapest with the orientalist and Turkologist Ármin Vámbéry . In 1884 he went on a study trip to Turkey . He then worked as a Turkish teacher in Budapest at the Academy of the Chamber of Commerce. In 1887 he accepted a position as a high school teacher in Nagykőrös and from 1888 he taught Latin and Hungarian at the reformed high school in Kiskunhalas . Since 1903 he was a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences . His research areas included early Hungarian history, the relationship between the Hungarian and Turkish languages, Ottoman-Turkish history, and the literature and history of the Turkish language. He has also translated literary works from Turkish into Hungarian. In 1906 he was appointed professor at Budapest University.

His grave is in the old cemetery of the Reformed Church in Kiskunhalas.


  • In honor of József Thury, a foundation and the library in Kiskunhalas were named after him.
  • Makád Primary School bears the name of the Turkologist

Works (selection)

  • A kasztamuni-i török ​​nyelvjárás , 1885
  • Török történetírók. Török-magyar kori történelmi emlékek. , 1893–1896, (translation)
  • A Zrinyiász , 1894
  • A székelyek eredete , 1898
  • Csagatáj szótár , 1903
  • A közép-ázsiai török ​​irodalom , 1904
  • Szelaniki Musztafa leírása Szigetvár ostromáról , Reprint 1979, (translation)
  • Török hadak Magyarországon, 1526-1566: Kortárs török ​​történetírók naplórészletei , Reprint 1985, (translation)
  • A magyarok eredete, őshazája és vándorlása , Reprint 1988

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