Jokulfell (ship)

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Jokulfell p1
Ship data
flag United KingdomUnited Kingdom (trade flag) United Kingdom
Ship type Cargo ship
Launch 1989
Whereabouts Sunk on February 8, 2005
Ship dimensions and crew
87 m ( Lüa )
Machine system
13.8 kn (26 km / h)
Transport capacities
Load capacity 3,000 dw
Container 140 TEU

The Jökulfell was an Icelandic cargo ship under the British flag and with an Estonian crew that sank 60 nautical miles northeast of the Faroe Islands on February 8, 2005 .

Technical specifications:

The Jökulfell was originally built as a refrigerated ship, but was also used for freight of all kinds. On her last trip from Libau to Reykjavík, she had loaded 2,000 tons of steel for Iceland . She should no longer reach the port of destination.

On the evening of February 7th at 9 p.m. Faroese local time, the Jökulfell reported distress with a wind speed of 15 m / s and six meter high waves northeast of the Faroe Islands. The cause of the accident is presumed to be that the heavy cargo had shifted in the swell and thus brought the ship into a banked position that was unable to maneuver.

When the Faroese coast guard ship Brimil arrived at the scene of the accident around midnight together with the rescue helicopter and the Danish naval inspection ship Væderen des Færøernes Kommando , the Jökulfell was already sinking . Five of the eleven crew members, eight Estonians and three Russians , were rescued alive. All help came too late for four men, and two more were missing for two days. Three other Faroese ships took part in the search. Iceland supported the effort with a search plane.

The five rescued seamen, four Estonians and one Russian, were brought from the Væderen to Tórshavn on February 9 , where they receive psychological care before they start their journey home to their families. On February 10, Útvarp Føroya announced that the search for the two missing persons had been stopped.

The Jökulfell is now about 2,000 meters deep in the North Atlantic .

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