Jürgen Karl Uchtmann

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Jürgen Karl Uchtmann (* 1959 ) is a Brigadier General of the Army of the German Armed Forces and has been a defense attaché in the military attaché staff in the German Embassy in Beijing since September 1, 2017 .

Military career

Uchtmann joined the Bundeswehr in 1979 as an officer candidate in the tank reconnaissance force. During his officer training, he completed a three-year degree in educational science at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg . There followed various uses in the tank reconnaissance and long-distance reconnaissance troops . From 1992 to 1994 Uchtmann completed the general staff course at the command academy of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg. He served as a deputy military attaché at the German Embassy in London , and commanded the reconnaissance training battalion 3 "Lüneburg" in Lüneburg . After being employed as Assistant Chief of Staff G3 in the 1st German-Dutch Corps in Münster , there followed various assignments as a speaker and head of division in the Federal Ministry of Defense, most recently as head of the planning division I 3 future development of the country, sanitary. From 2013 to 2014 Uchtmann completed a graduate school at the Royal College of Defense Studies in London. He then worked for two months as a consultant at the Federal Academy for Security Policy in Berlin before completing the almost three-year training as a military attaché. In the course of this training Uchtmann learned Mandarin and completed the Chinese General Staff training in Beijing. On September 1, 2017, Uchtmann, promoted to Brigadier General, took over the post of Defense Attaché from Brigadier General Helmut Schoepe in the German Embassy in Beijing .

Uchtmann has completed several assignments abroad in Bosnia and Afghanistan .


Uchtmann is married and has two children.

Individual evidence

  1. Personnel changes in top military and civilian positions - September 2017. Accessed on October 22, 2017 .