University of the Federal Armed Forces

There are two universities of the Bundeswehr ( UniBw ): the University of the Bundeswehr Munich ( UniBwM ) and the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Bundeswehr Hamburg ( HSU / UniBw Hamburg ). The universities belong to the civil organization area of personnel and are assigned to the Federal Ministry of Defense . There the responsibility lies in Section P I 5.
Of the approximately 2,000 candidate officers that the Bundeswehr recruits each year, around 95 percent are officers with a degree. After 11 or 15 months of general military training as an officer , they begin their studies in one of the 20 civilly recognized (technical) university courses. On the one hand, the course is intended to enable officers to (re) enter a civilian profession after their service, and on the other hand to provide an academic educational horizon for their work in the armed forces.
The soldiers who are largely released from service continue to receive their salaries during their studies. This is to ensure that the students are not dependent on part-time jobs or BAföG and can therefore concentrate fully on their studies. This is divided into trimesters . This consolidation shortens the course to three years (standard period of study Bachelor) or four years (standard period of study Bachelor and Master).
The field of study is not necessarily tied to the later area of responsibility. Only certain application series in the Air Force and Navy are linked to the existence of a technical course. Otherwise, however, it is open to paratroopers in the army as well as officer candidates from the air force and navy to pursue humanities, economics or technical courses according to their personal inclination and aptitude. Not every course is offered. Officer candidates who decide to pursue a career in the medical service and want to study human, dental, veterinary or pharmacy are released from service for their studies at a public university and receive a training allowance in the amount of their salary based on their rank. The tuition fees are also covered. The same applies to officer candidates of the NBC defense force who have qualified to study chemistry, biology or physics at a public university.
Founding time
On June 11, 1970, the Federal Defense Minister Helmut Schmidt ( SPD ) issued a decree to form a commission to reorganize training and education in the Bundeswehr , chaired by Thomas Ellwein .
On May 17, 1971, the commission presented the report to Federal Defense Minister Schmidt. It stipulates that officer candidates with a commitment period of at least twelve years should in future complete a three-year course at a university of the German Armed Forces. On June 29, 1972, the Federal Cabinet approved the establishment of universities for the Bundeswehr.
On October 3, 1972, an agreement was signed between the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Federal Government on the establishment of a scientific university for the training of officer candidates in the Bundeswehr.
On October 16, 1972 and January 2, 1973 the founding committees for the universities of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg and Munich were issued. On February 14 and April 4, 1973, the Defense Committee of the German Bundestag approved the establishment of two universities.
On July 5 and 11, 1973, the Federal Minister of Defense, Georg Leber, gave the order to set up the universities. On August 3, 1973, the Bavarian State Minister for Education and Culture granted permission to set up a university for the Federal Armed Forces in Neubiberg , a community on the southern outskirts of Munich.
On October 1, 1973, teaching and research began at both universities. On September 30, 1976, the first graduates left the universities.
Between 1973 and 1998, 32,000 officer cadets began studying at the UniBw, with a success rate of around 66 percent.
At the Dies Academicus of the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich on October 8, 1999, the then Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping emphasized the importance of the global budget for the “extensive autonomy and greater flexibility” of the Federal Armed Forces universities.
Study model
The study model at the two Bundeswehr universities is designed for a standard study period of 9 trimesters, plus an examination trimester; the students graduate within about three (Bachelor) or four years (Bachelor and Master in intensive studies). The degree is civically recognized, as studies are carried out in accordance with general state university law and academic degrees are awarded in accordance with Hamburg and Bavarian university law. The legal relationships between students and the universities are therefore subject to university law and not to military regulations. Due to the distribution of competencies in the Basic Law , the higher education law of the federal state in which the university is located is decisive .
Since the autumn trimester of 2007, the course has been switched to Bachelor and Master courses as part of the so-called Bologna Process . Only those students who have accumulated 180 ECTS points after 7 trimesters can complete the Master’s degree, whereby the beginning of the Master’s degree overlaps with the end of the Bachelor’s degree. This is the only way to complete the master’s degree in a minimum period of four and a maximum period of 4¼ years. A maximum of 75 ECTS points can be achieved per year through the intensive course. 8 points can be obtained by taking a language test with an SLP 3332 in English before the start of the course. Anyone who does not achieve the required number of points in the given time remains in the bachelor model and completes the course after 3¼ years at the latest with a bachelor's degree.
Organizationally, the universities of the German Federal Armed Forces were the Streitkräftebasis associated with the Armed Forces Office placed directly under and part of the armed forces. The BMVg had its own department for the Bundeswehr universities. Since April 1, 2012, these are part of the new organization field staff of the Bundeswehr and are therefore formally not part of the armed forces but the civil defense administration .
The two universities are small and manageable, very well equipped and built in the spirit of an Anglo-American campus university. Living areas, lecture halls, laboratories as well as sports and leisure facilities are in the immediate vicinity. The university libraries also allow external users.
Requirements for admission to the course
- General university entrance qualification or advanced technical college entrance qualification (for university of applied sciences courses ).
- Officer candidates must successfully complete the selection process at the Assessment Center for Executives of the Bundeswehr (ACFüKrBw) in Cologne and prove their character, intellectual and physical aptitude as an officer as well as their aptitude for studies. General military training must be successfully completed before the start of the course. The standard commitment period is 13 years.
- Officers from friendly armed forces are also accepted at the Bundeswehr universities.
- Civil exchange students from the partner universities can also study at the Bundeswehr universities (e.g. via the Erasmus program)
- German civil students have been admitted to both universities on a small scale for a few years now, provided that a partner company pays the costs and sufficient capacity is available.
- In addition, participation in the courses as a guest auditor is possible.
- Students from Hamburg may also be able to perform at the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg.
- At the University of Munich there has been a gifted program since 2006 for the early support of particularly gifted students.
Budget and third-party funding
The universities of the Bundeswehr have to compete with the other public universities in the acquisition of third-party funding. In times of scarce resources, clients check all the more thoroughly to whom expensive research contracts should be awarded. How much third-party funding a university can acquire is increasingly measuring its quality.
In 1998 the budget of the Bundeswehr University in Munich was around 20.5 million euros, 8.9 million euros of which came from third-party funds.
As part of the cooperation between the Bundeswehr universities and the private sector, third-party funds are available. a. by the following institutions and companies: Airbus , German Research Foundation (DFG), Daimler , DLR , Sennheiser , Siemens , MAN , Bosch , Deutsche Telekom , ThyssenKrupp , VDI and the Volkswagen Foundation .
Scientific training
In addition to the undergraduate courses, the two Bundeswehr universities also offer advanced study programs, workshops and certificate courses in their institutes for academic further education .
A first qualifying university degree and several years of professional experience are usually required as admission requirements. The advanced training programs are mainly offered alongside work; often in the format of blended learning , in which face-to-face and distance learning phases alternate. Digital educational media are made available to students on web-based teaching and learning platforms, so that studying alongside work and family is almost independent of time and location.
Target groups are in particular members of the armed forces, such as retiring temporary officers and soldiers, who are prepared for the time after the armed forces and a career in civil economy with the further qualification. A temporary soldier (SaZ) has the option of applying for funding to the Bundeswehr's vocational promotion service (BFD) in the last two years of service. The programs are also open to civil specialists and executives from industry and business, in authorities at the federal, state and municipal levels. A reference to the Bundeswehr is not necessary.
In terms of quality assurance, the continuing education courses correspond to the courses of undergraduate teaching, as they also go through the university's internal and ministerial approval procedures and are based on examination regulations. All courses are officially recognized. The external quality assurance ensures a peer review procedure in the accreditation. The certificate courses follow recognized quality standards and guidelines.
The campus advanced studies center (casc) is the university's internal institute for scientific further education on the campus of the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich in Neubiberg. Since 2008, practical training programs have been developed there in collaboration with the university's lecturers and external partners. The area of continuing education is the third pillar of the university alongside research and teaching. Participating faculties are, for example: Political and social sciences, economics and organizational sciences, aerospace engineering, human sciences, mechanical engineering, civil engineering and computer science. All part-time courses lead to an academic degree awarded by the Universität der Bundeswehr München. The following types of degrees are available at the Institute for Scientific Continuing Education at UniBw M: Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Arts (MA,) and Master of Business Administration (MBA). All further education courses at casc have a modular structure. When studying modules, students can also only take individual modules. For each module there is a certain number of ECTS credit points that can be counted towards the respective course. The range of courses at casc currently comprises six Bachelor and Master’s degree programs: Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering (B.Eng), Master’s degree in Systems Engineering (M.Sc.), Master’s degree in Personnel Development (MA), Master’s degree in International Security Studies (MA ), MBA Public Management and MBA International Management. There are also further qualifications that conclude with a university certificate, such as specialist planners for ordnance clearance .
Casc is a member of the German Society for Scientific Further Education and Distance Learning (DGWF) , the advocacy group for scientific further education in Germany.
At the Helmut Schmidt University // University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, the Center for Scientific Further Education (ZWW) has been offering further education courses and certificate programs since 2013.
- Heinrich Bolz: soldier and student. Officer training and conflict areas at universities of the Bundeswehr . v. Decker, Heidelberg a. a. 1983, ISBN 3-7685-4082-0 .
- Michel Domsch , Torsten J. Gerpott (ed.): Officer and study . Hampp, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-924346-51-8 .
- Paul Klein : Studying at the Bundeswehr universities as an incentive . In: Günther Schanz (Ed.): Manual of incentive systems . Poeschel, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-7910-0558-8 , p. 1037 ff.
- Rainer Marr (Ed.): Bundeswehr training center? - From officer to manager. Career prospects for graduates from the universities of the Bundeswehr in business and administration . 2nd edition, Edition Gfw, Neubiberg 2002, ISBN 3-9807539-4-8 .
- Dietmar Schössler (Ed.): Universities of the Bundeswehr (= Political Studies , special issue 1973,1). Published by the Hanns Seidel Foundation , Olzog, Munich 1973.
- Andrea von Schroeders: student and soldier. The study between compulsory service and academic freedom at the universities of the Bundeswehr (= Nomos-Universitätsschriften: Recht . Volume 528). Nomos, Baden-Baden 2007, ISBN 978-3-8329-2771-4 .
Web links
- Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
- University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
Individual evidence
- ↑ Merith Niehuss: Welcome to the President. In: Retrieved October 22, 2019 .
- ↑ BMVg organizational plan. (PDF) In: . October 1, 2019, accessed October 22, 2019 .
- ^ Bundeswehr vocational promotion service. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ^ Institute for Scientific Further Education (cascampus advanced studies center) of the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ^ University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Bachelor's degree in industrial engineering (B.Eng.). Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Master's degree in Systems Engineering (M.Sc.). Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Master's degree in Personnel Development (MA). Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Master's degree in International Security Studies (MA). Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ MBA Public Management. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ MBA International Management. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Specialist planner of ordnance clearance. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
- ↑ DGWF - Home - DGWF. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .