Jack Winter

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Jack Winter , actually Jacob Winter , also Jacques Winter , actually Jacob Winter (before 1895 - after 1939) was a German film architect , especially during the silent film era .

Live and act

Little is known about Jacob Winter, who later mostly called himself Jack Winter. Immediately before the First World War , he can be identified as a specialist in animation for the Eiko-Film-Wochenschau by producer Franz Vogel ; during the war he was involved in the short film Rentier Knüppeldick (1916) in an unspecified role . Towards the end of the war, Winter rose to be chief architect. In the last year of the war in 1918, when he was in the service of Oskar Messter , he designed the buildings for several films with Henny Porten under the signature of Jack Winter .

Later, Winter also worked for other Berlin production companies and set productions by directors such as Rudolf Biebrach , EA Dupont , Felix Basch and the Danes Viggo Larsen , Robert Dinesen and Holger-Madsen . After only five years, Jack Winter ended his intensive cinematic work and obviously turned to other fields of work. Only in the second half of the 1930s did he return to film architecture for a few less important cinema productions. After the outbreak of the Second World War , Winter's trail is completely lost.


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