Jacob Alexwangen

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Jacob Alexwangen (since 1525 Jacob von Alexwangen ; * around 1480 ; † January 23, 1552 in Elbing , Polish-Prussia ) was a German councilor and mayor in Elbing.


The father Michel Alexwange was councilor and 1485 mayor in Königsberg-Kneiphof . Jacob studied in Leipzig from 1501 and became a master of philosophy there in 1505. Then he was briefly enrolled in Frankfurt (Oder) .

In 1510 Jacob Alexwangen Voigt in Elbing and in 1511 a member of the city council, which he remained until the end of his life. He soon became one of the most influential people in the city and was first elected President of the City Council in 1520. (This mayor every year was elected and often changed.) In this time was the attack of the German Order of the city, for the Alexwange the following year with Lucas Schirmer took part in the peace negotiations. In 1523 he was re-elected first mayor and burgrave.

In 1525 Alexwangen was ennobled by the Polish King Sigismund for his service in the war. This year he was chased out of office by the population with other councilors, but the next year after the arrival of the king's commissioners he was reinstated as councilor and re-elected mayor. In the following period he held this office more often.

In 1535, Alexwangen, as mayor, played a key role in founding a grammar school in Elbing, the first humanistic educational institution in Polish Prussia.


  • Sabine Beckmann, Klaus Garber (ed.): Cultural history of Prussia, royal Polish share in the early modern period (= early modern period 103). Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen 2005, ISBN 978-3-484-36603-9 . P. 373f.
  • Christoph Falk : Elbingisch-Prussische Chronik. edited by Max Toeppen. Danzig 1882. Reprint 2017. p. 16f.

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