Jacob Frey

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Jacob Frey (* before 1520 in Strasbourg ; † 1562 in Maursmünster ; also written Jakob Frey ) was a playwright and poet who wrote in the Alemannic dialect.

Frey came from Strasbourg and worked from 1545 to 1562 as town clerk and notary in Maursmünster.

His main work is the swan collection Die Gartengesellschaft , some of the 127 stories of which he took from Johannes Pauli's sermon tales and transferred to Alsace and Switzerland. In addition, he also wrote dramas and comedies based on biblical subjects.


  • Abraham and Isaac . Drama, undated
  • About poor Lazarus and the rich man . Comedy, undated
  • From a shopkeeper or triac . Carnival game, undated
  • Solomon . Drama, 1541
  • The garden society . Schwänke, 1556
  • Judith . Drama, 1564


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