Jacob Immanuel Hamilton

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Jacob Immanuel Hamilton (born March 25, 1682 in Wachholzhagen near Treptow an der Rega , district of Greifenberg i. Pom. , Western Pomerania ; † July 24, 1728 in Stargard ) was a German lawyer.

Hamilton was born in the church village of Wachholzhagen in the back of Pomerania, where his father was a preacher. He first studied theology at the Universities of Leipzig and Halle , but then decided to study law. After completing his studies, he initially aspired to a university career, acquired a teaching license and held colloquia for students on legal, philosophical and other topics at the University of Halle. He then broke off his university career, entered the service of the state government and became a royal Prussian chamber advocate and later court court advocate.

Works (selection)

  • Dissertatio iuris naturalis et civilis de detitione personarum noxiarum , October 1708 ( e-copy ).
  • Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de non recindendo contractu conductionis ob metrum spectrorum , Halle and Magdeburg 1711 ( e-copy ).
  • Lightest type of German rhetoric , Leipzig 1712.


  • Newly increased historical and geographic general lexicon , Volume 3, Basel 1742. S. 1009 ( online ).
  • Christian Friedrich Wutstrack : Addendum to the short historical-geographical-statistical description of the royal-Prussian duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Stettin 1795, p. 315 ( online ).
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : Allgemeine Gelehrten-Lexicon , Volume 2, Leipzig 1750, Sp. 1342-1343 ( online ).

Web links