Jacob de Haas

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Jacob de Haas (born August 13, 1872 in London ; † March 21, 1937 in Manhattan , New York ) was a London journalist and writer, Zionist and editor of the weekly "The Jewish World" in London from 1892 to 1900.

He was one of Herzl's first helpers in England and introduced him there. He was a participant in the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897 . In 1900 he was responsible for the organizational preparation of the fourth Zionist congress in London. In 1902 he moved to the United States at Herzl's request, where he was elected Secretary of the American Zionist Federation to succeed Stephen Samuel Wise ( Richard Gottheil hired him at Herzl's suggestion and request).

One of his greatest merits for Zionism was that he won the friendship of Louis Brandeis and made him a staunch Zionist (since 1908).

From 1908 to 1918 de Haas was one of the editors of the "Jewish Advocate" in Boston . He published a biography of Herzl.

Fonts (selection)

  • Theodor Herzl. A Biographical Study . Leonard, Chicago 1927
  • Louis D. Brandeis. A Biographical Sketch . Bloch, New York 1929
    • Louis D. Brandeis: a biographical sketch; with particular reference to its contribution to Jewish and Zionist history; with the text of his speeches, 1912-1924 . Translation of Nadja Stein . Berlin: Fischer, 1930


  • Ruth L. Deech: Jacob de Haas. A biography . In: Raphael Patai (Ed.): Herzl Year Book . VII. Herzl Press, New York, NY, 1971, pp. 312-353. ISSN  0440-7377
  • Stuart Cohen: English Zionists and British Jews: The Communal Politics of Anglo-Jewry, 1895-1920 . Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ 1982

Individual evidence

  1. John F. Oppenheimer (Red.) And a .: Lexicon of Judaism. 2nd Edition. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, Gütersloh u. a. 1971, ISBN 3-570-05964-2 , col. 264.