Jacques Deny

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Jacques Deny (born October 22, 1916 in Algiers , then French Algeria ; † January 1, 2016 in Gérardmer , Département Vosges ) was a French mathematician who studied analysis (especially potential theory ).

Deny received his Agrégation in mathematics in 1938 and received his doctorate in Strasbourg in 1949 with Henri Cartan . He was a professor at the University of Paris-South (Paris XI) in Orsay . With Marcel Brelot (who founded it in 1956) and Gustave Choquet he had a seminar in potential theory in Paris. He also dealt with the theory of distributions , differential equations and topology. Jacques-Louis Lions gave a lecture on his work in potential theory (his dissertation) in 1951 at the Bourbaki seminar, as did Deny himself in the Bourbaki seminar in 1956/57 and 1959/60 (work on Dirichleträume by Arne Beurling , with whom he also worked ) Gave lectures on potential theory. In 1955/56, 1957 and 1962 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study .

Paul-André Meyer is one of his doctoral students .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A community of scholars. The Institute for Advanced Study. Faculty and Members 1930-1980. In: library.ias.edu. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1980, p. 121 ( PDF file, 7.1 MB, English)
  2. Jacques Deny nous a quittés. In: gerardmerinfo.fr. January 2, 2016, accessed January 4, 2016 (French).