Jacques Geninasca

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Jacques Geninasca (born September 2, 1930 in Freiburg im Üechtland ; † May 22, 2010 in Neuchâtel ) from Malvaglia was a Swiss linguist and literary scholar .


He studied literature in Neuchâtel and Florence , he obtained a doctorate in philosophy. with the work Analysis structurale des Chimères de Gérard de Nerval . Then he was a teacher at the Neuchâtel high school. Geninasca was semiotic of the first generation of the research group that formed around Algirdas Julien Greimas . From 1970 to 1995 he was a lecturer at the Romance Department of the University of Zurich . Co-founder of the Association internationale de sémiotique and 1981 Switzerland. Society for Semiotics. He became known for his studies of Stendhal , Charles Baudelaire , Arthur Rimbaud , Pierre Reverdy , Saint-John Perse and René Char .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ana Claudia de Oliveira. Palavras e gestos em memória de Jacques Geninasca. In: Galáxia. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica. ISSN  1982-2553 Volume 10, No. 19, 2010. pp. 324-327. With photo.
  2. Peter Fröhlicher . Jacques Geninasca in Memorian. International Association for Semiotics , June 2, 2010.